Mizani Moisturefusion is the best !!!!


New Member
I have never use Mizani products until recently. I am curent wearing a full hair weave with the front edges and center of my hair left out which is very dry.
I just use this 4 step system om my hair and the hydration is unbelievable. my daughter wanted the system put in her hair. My daughter hair is a 3a with very very dry ends. Results are amazing. When my daughter blow dry her hair her ends are so dry but not this time.
My nieces are beauticians so I was able to get products from the beauty supply that sell only to license profesionals. I spent well over $200 in there I won't have to buy hair products for awhile.
Moisturefusion 4 step system is expensive but it is absolutely the best hair product for ultimate hydration I have ever used.
Thank You! That's just the knudge I needed to go on and pick this up, I have been eyeballling it for a while! Thanks again!
My stylist uses this and I like it, but I've never purchased it before. I'm thinking I may try it when JC Penney has another sale.

I don't usually buy products I can't find in the drug store.:lachen:
I'm glad that you liked it OP, but it just didnt do anything for my hair and I wanted to like this stuff really bad. I love the moisturefuse line though.:yep:
I'm confused...there's moisturfusion & moisturefuse? What's the difference? I love the moisturefuse conditioner!
It sure is! I LOVE Moisturfusion! I don't use the cleansing oil or concentrate vials just the shampoo and conditioner. Talk about moisture, moisture, moisture. I add a teaspoon of the Mizani Kerafuse to my Moisturfusion once a month for extra protein.
I'm looking for a deep mosturizng conditioner and this is on my list of possibles. Does it have any protein? I need straight moisture no protein. Also what is it like as far as slip and really penetrating the hair? Is it similar to say a ntm triple moisture or keracare humecto? Both of those products and others like them just sit on top of my hair and coat it and eventually dry it out horribly.

I'm also looking into ao honeysuckle rose and nacidit olive oil. And anything else that looks like it could be promising