Mizani - H2O Intense Night-Time Treatment


New Member
Has anyone tried this?

Do you like the product?

What does it do for you?

Have you tried the Mizani Rosemary Hair Cream Dress?

Which is better and why?

personally i dont like it. its supposed to stop breakage i guess, but it doesn't really do much for me. i have heard others say that it stopped their breakage in its tracks though. plus, it has mineral oil & petroleum in it..
I found it to be too heavy for my hair, but that may have been my fault. I tend to be heavy handed with the products.
It was too thick and left my hair weighed down. I had to clarify alot with it. I definently could never wear my hair down with it. I wouldn't recommend it, I don't think its worth the money. Bought it when I was in my PJ stage and someone on here had recommended it. I like NTM better as a moisturizer.
I luve the H20 Intensive Night-Time TX but I hate the Rose Creme Hairdress.

H20 makes my hair super moisturized and shiny/silky.
ChocalateDiva said:
I luve the H20 Intensive Night-Time TX but I hate the Rose Creme Hairdress.

H20 makes my hair super moisturized and shiny/silky.


how do u use it? how much how often? hehe

Also i was reading an article ab it saying be careful if you use the nite h2o if using different products at the same time. wht do u thnk this means?
Directions for Use of Mizani H20 Intense Night-Time Treatment

This hair care product is best used prior to your usual night time regimen. If you are using hair care products at night as well, you might want to consult your hair stylist or doctor regarding the safety of using both products simultaneously.
I actually used H2O alot before I joined LHCF and liked it but since joining I have found other products that do a better job and just plain old castor oil does wonders with sealing my ends
Has anyone tried this? Yes, I believe Supergirl is a big fan of this

Do you like the product? I liked the smell and consistency

What does it do for you? I bought it to help my shedding. It did NOT help

Have you tried the Mizani Rosemary Hair Cream Dress? Yes..too heavy

Which is better and why? H2O but that's not saying much in my opiniin
Has anyone tried this? Yep

Do you like the product? It's ok. I give it a 6 maybe more if I used it as often as directed

What does it do for you? Moisturizes my severly dry hair before I go to bed

Have you tried the Mizani Rosemary Hair Cream Dress? oN

Which is better and why? n/a
Wow! I love them both! The Rose cream gives me moisture and shine. The Night cream helps SO MUCH with breakage and shedding. I'm so glad I stocked up while I was working, cuz with a full-time school schedule... I'm sad just thinking about it. Especially since I have a nice little list of other stuff I wanna try! Wait. I thought the Night cream was raved about on here :confused:!
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Talipoohz_Momma said:
Wait. I thought the Night cream was raved about on here :confused:!

I definitely remember a rave thread from awhile back. I've used the Night cream and I like it. It super hydrates my hair and leaves it feeling super soft.
Yes I think its great simply as an emergency treatment for when my hair gets super dry. I think Supergirl also uses it this way sometimes. I don't use it often though.


I just started using it. I like it. My friend thinks it is too perfumey and aromatic. I like the smell.

I use it concentrating on my ends. and any dry areas. You do not really need much. I think its very moisturizing. It is something that is good to use while you are doing protective styles. It would probably be too heavy and too much moisture if you were flat ironing or wearing your hair loose.

I did use it one night on my ends before I added a couple of flexi rods. That worked well too.

Energist also uses this product & likes it.
Has anyone tried this?
Yes :)
Do you like the product?
I like the smell, and it's light on my hair cuz I only use a tiny bit.
What does it do for you?
It stops my breakage w/consistent use. I on ocassion get those little tiny breakage hairs. Now not so much.
Have you tried the Mizani Rosemary Hair Cream Dress?
I wanted to try it, but when I smelled it in Ulta, I immediately put it back. I like the Keracare hairdress and ORS Carrot Oil better.
Which is better and why?
I like the Night-Time treatment's smell way better than the regular hairdress.
Actually I was just going to ask the same question, I just purchased this yesterday. I was going to purchase the Rosemary Cream Dress but the person who was helping me suggested the night time treatment because it was lighter than the other one.

I used it last night and I must say that it did moisturize my hair very well, I have no more dry spots and my ends feel fine. The key to it is using a small amount and not using it everyday but as the instructions say every other day or every three days.

And the sales associate said that never use it in the same day you have used other oils( I also purchased the keracare essential oils and he said don't use both in the same day as it will weigh her hair down).

Hope this helps
Has anyone tried this? Me! I've used it!

Do you like the product?I did like this product. I used it just a couple of times a week and it left my hair very moist and supple. The only reason I stopped using it was the price...I found castor oil to be cheaper and it softens, moisturizes, and soaks in as well. Yet, given some spare cash I'd definately buy this product again.

What does it do for you? The product just really softens and moisturizes you just have to use is sparingly. I noticed less hair in the comb while using this product.

Have you tried the Mizani Rosemary Hair Cream Dress? No

Which is better and why? N/A

Do you like the product? I love this product!

What does it do for you? Well it truly hydrates my hair and makes it feel silk smooth come morning time. The important thing with this is that I most definitely feel that it works best and is most beneficial when used with the baggy method! When I've used it without it still moisturizes, but I can tell the difference. Baggying gives the hair more elasticity along with the intense moisturization of strands.

Have you tried the Mizani Rosemary Hair Cream Dress? Yup and I love that stuff too. I haven't used any in a while, because I've been making my own conditioning hairdress, but it's very light and feels good on the hair.

Which is better and why? I personally like the night time treatment because I don't know it feels like it serves a better purpose. I feel that the cream hairdress is just that... hairdress mostly for cosmetic purposes to give hair the illusion of being moisturized and shiny. The treatment is actually going to work in penetrating the shaft, helping to strengthen and mending cuticles. I always go for treatments moreso than a product which just seems to coat... With treatments in time and with continuous usage the results will show through naturally (natural shine from truly nourished hair)