Mizani classic rhelaxer(mild) for fine/color-treated hair users


Well-Known Member
and have 4 a/b fine hair are you able to get bone straight results with it? If so, how long are you processing for? Also, could you share with me your relaxer day routine? I have not decided yet if whether or not I will self relax or go the salon but have a month to decide(at least I am trying to stretch until the second or third week of December).

By chance, if you have tried the Alter Ego linage lye relaxer could you share your thoughts re:the relaxer? I am torn between the Mizani mild lye and the Linage lye relaxer for my upcoming relaxer in December. Any and all information available is appreciated.

thanks in advance ladies,
I'm a type 4 and I use the Mizani regular and I get bone straight results.

I'm not sure about the processing time or the process because I've never self relaxed, my stylist does everything.

I don't think it's left on for more than 15-20 minutes though.