Mizani Butter Blends


New Member
Hi ladies,

I am thinking of switching to Mizani butter blends relaxer system from Optimum Multi Mineral relaxer- I think it is a good relaxer for fine hair, right? :perplexed

I have been going to a stylist up to now, but I may try to self relax.. This relaxer has a lot of steps - is it too complicated for someone who has never self relaxed before?

Also, I can't seem to find this product in local stores (montreal, Canada). It seems reaaally expensive online... About $130 for all 6 products plus 30-40 for shipping. The relaxer is only 30oz, so it's not even going to last me long. Does anyone know where I can purchase this for a more reasonable price? Or is this what you have all been paying for it?

Thanks ladies! :)
thanks for the suggestion - I looked at the site. It comes to $170, for all the products. Plus the cost of UPS shipping from Texas to Canada:nono:

Do I really need all those products??? :spinning:

can someone with experience with this let me know?? Thanks!
I also use Mizani, I have the whole product line, but depending on what you looking for. You don't have to purchase the whole line. Myself I use the Mizani relaxer, I also bought the honey shield and the mizani hair base. To cut down on the price, you can use vaseline to base the scalp and I read some females use conditioner to put on their hair, to prevent overlapping, a good neutralizing shampoo, and follow up with a protein and moistrurizing treatment. One thing about using Lye relaxer, you can mix and match what works for you. I use the Mizani relaxer, however I like Motions Silk Protein treatment afterwards, and its cheaper than the Mizani follow up. Also I use the motion moisturizing neutralizing shampoo, and Nexxus Botail shampoo, then Palmer Olive Oil Conditioner. Therefore It all what you are looking for. Mizani can get expensive, but if you wan to stick with the whole line, that fine too. It all what works for you. Of course some other DIY females will chime in. However this is what I use, and it works for me.
IMO it is over hyped...I used it and got ok results. It left me a little underprocessed. There is no way that I would spend 170 on anything for hair but that is me:lachen:I briefly thought about getting a Pibbs though but I am starting to hate rollersetting my hair so that would of been a waste of money. I honestly think using all those products in that Mizani Butter Blend system do not make one bit of difference in making your hair turn out any better than it would if you didnt use them. Hopefully you will get more responses.
Thanks ladies!,

I think I'll just try to buy the relaxer, the shampoo and a conditioner.

I'm tex-laxed, and I want to continue to be so, so I don't mind about under-processing.

Has anyone have any reviews of the other products, out of interest?
I just don't want to mess up my hair by not buying the correct things b/c I'm being stingy with my money, you know? :perplexed
I bought and used the entire line and I have no regrets at all. I left it in a little longer (1 min) because of folks saying it left them a bit under processed. I can't lie, I love this relaxer system. I did one touch up and have loads of product left.

It seems really complicated but it's not. Once you read it and break it down.... It's simply this.

1. Base your scalp. Hit a little of your forehead, neck, and ears as a safety precaution.
2. Use the honey shield on the relaxed portion of your hair.
3. Apply the relaxer and smooth
4. Rinse the relaxer out well
5. Apply neutralizing conditioner follow directions for the time needed. Rinse
6. Use neutralizing shampoo (I repeated this step 2-3 times. It turns pink if traces of relaxer are in your hair. I didn't have that because I made sure to rinse very well) Rinse well.
7. Apply the conditioner (cover with a cap I think... I'm not looking at the directions) and leave on for about 3-5 min.
8. Rinse.

I used the regular and had good results on my fine hair but if you're not sure you can use the fine/color treated version.

Thanks! Iluvsmuhgrass!

Did you buy the 4lb container of relaxer?
Do you mind if I ask where you purchased yours? And how much you paid? Thanks.
I just wanted to chime in and say that my new stylist used this on me today and so far my hair feels silky and soft. It was a lot of steps, tho. But I dont mind because thats what I pay her for, right?:grin: I used it in regular/normal because I've heard of the mild leaving folks a little underprocessed.

ETA: OP, let us know how your experience turns out. Maybe one day I can get enough nerve to self-relax. :)
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