Mizani Butter Blends


New Member
I'm hoping someone can help me. I did my first self relaxer touch-up (really texlax touch-up) with Mizani Butter Blends and I had it in my hair for approx. 17 minutes from start to finish. This was after about a 4 month stretch. The end result was ok but it was more textured than I desire. The relaxer container doesn't have a time table of how long to leave it on for a regular relaxer :perplexed. Does anyone know if it's safe for me to leave the relaxer on for 25 minutes (I use the mild)? I don't want my hair bone straight but at this time, it's hard to tell were my new growth ends and my texlaxed hair begins. I don't want to overlap or over process my hair (this has been such a long struggle already). I don't trust a salon and I'm not sure what to do. I need to do a touch up by next weekend so that I don't have anymore breakage (I'm at 8wks post and noticed some breakage).
I agree that 25 minutes start to finish should be fine. The Mizani Butter Blend relaxer (or any lye relaxer for that matter) never got my hair bone straight, but that was okay with me.
Is ORS lye? cuz if that so, that would explain why it texlaxed me (before I knew what texlaxing was, I was p###ed and thought it underprocessed me).
Is ORS lye? cuz if that so, that would explain why it texlaxed me (before I knew what texlaxing was, I was p###ed and thought it underprocessed me).

ORS in the box is no-lye, and is lye in the tub. i don't think that lye / no lye is better at straightening than the other, but people tend to get slightly more underprocessed with lye, because it causes people to burn faster and rinse sooner.

i use ors lye, and it works wonders after i've based the h--- out of my scalp.:grin:
I'm hoping someone can help me. I did my first self relaxer touch-up (really texlax touch-up) with Mizani Butter Blends and I had it in my hair for approx. 17 minutes from start to finish. This was after about a 4 month stretch. The end result was ok but it was more textured than I desire. The relaxer container doesn't have a time table of how long to leave it on for a regular relaxer :perplexed. Does anyone know if it's safe for me to leave the relaxer on for 25 minutes (I use the mild)? I don't want my hair bone straight but at this time, it's hard to tell were my new growth ends and my texlaxed hair begins. I don't want to overlap or over process my hair (this has been such a long struggle already). I don't trust a salon and I'm not sure what to do. I need to do a touch up by next weekend so that I don't have anymore breakage (I'm at 8wks post and noticed some breakage).

I've gotten lye relaxers at the salon and at home before and gotten straight. However, after a 14 week stretch I used MBB regular and got texlax.

It was probably on about the same amount of time or a little longer, but I think next time I will try 25 minutes as well.

I'm using MegaTek and I def. have NG, but it's all start'n to blend :yep: and look the same. Great for a wash n go, though :lachen:
hold up!!! I use the normal and I distinctly recall on the instruction where it said 15-18 minutes max. For mild I guess you can add a couple more minutes but not if you don't want it bone straight!

After 16 minutes of the normal..my hair was bone straight! ( see my fotki)