mixing shen-min w/......


Active Member
l-cystein. I just went and to the vitamin shop here and my hubby bought me a bottle! Question is do you guys think it's ok to add to my regime? this is what i'm taking now:

fesol iron
nature made super b-complex
calcium 250mg
l-cysteine 2000mg

I know this my sound crazy but my hair is doing soooo... much better! So can I add it? ( by the way I haven't ok'd this w/ my doc yet but will this week 4 sure! )
2000mg of l-cysteine is a bit HIGH. You should definitely get your physician's okay. Taking 500mg would be plenty with 1000-1500mg Vitamin C.

ok, since I will start taking the shen-min I'll decrease the l-cysteine to 500mg a day for now. I just don't want to " OVERLOAD ". Anybody else taking a combo w/ good results ? PLEASE?