Princess Cherish
New Member
Does anyone here mix there MN with MTG or Boundless Tresses? Have you had problems with it or has it given you faster growth?
mix it with my MTG and use the BT straight [I alternate] I bc-ed in Feb (about 1 and a half - 2 inches?)I started this mix in June I can put my hair in a small ponytail I hope to continue this until my HYH reveal in Dec...
This might be a dumb question but if you get such great growth from BT, MN and MTG, why does anyone stop using them? I ordered MN and BT last night but I'm still a little hesitant.
This might be a dumb question but if you get such great growth from BT, MN and MTG, why does anyone stop using them? I ordered MN and BT last night but I'm still a little hesitant.
This might be a dumb question but if you get such great growth from BT, MN and MTG, why does anyone stop using them? I ordered MN and BT last night but I'm still a little hesitant.
What does MN stand for?
This might be a dumb question but if you get such great growth from BT, MN and MTG, why does anyone stop using them? I ordered MN and BT last night but I'm still a little hesitant.
Its the active ingredient in yeast infection creams like Monistat. I think it's like Minoxidal or something like that....Don't feel like looking it up. But that's what it is....cooter cream!
Thanks! After I posted that, I actually did take the time to look it up and was like, "Oh, I was waaaay off."They are different. MN and other similar products are anti-fungals. For some reason antifungals boost hair growth.
Minoxidal is a totally different kind of product.
Thanks! After I posted that, I actually did take the time to look it up and was like, "Oh, I was waaaay off."
Yeah it's been working GREAT I had 3 huge bottles of MTG and then ordered BT this allows me to use both, actually I've just run out of BT so will continue with my MTG/ MN mix.====
You put the MN in your MTG? Then use BT by itself on another day?...
So you are alternating using these 2 every other day?
I may try this
Me personally, I stopped using MTG cause I didn't associate my growth at the time with it, [got it from a friend], then the smell got to me now I don't care going all out for that full shoulder length in December The MN or a combination of all 3 has been great for me especially my hairline...This might be a dumb question but if you get such great growth from BT, MN and MTG, why does anyone stop using them? I ordered MN and BT last night but I'm still a little hesitant.
Gurrrl, I typed Minoxidil/Minoxidal in a search engine and a whole bunch of stuff for men's hair loss/Rogaine came up. It's supposed to treat hypertension and male pattern baldness! Who knew? I thought I was making something up. But it actually DOES re-grow hair.And girl you had me thinking about what the heck does Minoxidil actually do. One site said it is believed to block potassium build up. Do they really know?!?
Gurrrl, I typed Minoxidil/Minoxidal in a search engine and a whole bunch of stuff for men's hair loss/Rogaine came up. It's supposed to treat hypertension and male pattern baldness! Who knew? I thought I was making something up. But it actually DOES re-grow hair.
Here's what Webster had to say:
Main Entry: mi·nox·i·dil
Pronunciation: m&-'näk-s&-"dil
Function: noun
Etymology: perhaps from amino + oxi- (alteration of oxy-) + piperidine + -yl
: a peripheral vasodilator C9H15N5O used orally to treat hypertension and topically in a propylene glycol solution to promote hair regrowth in male-pattern baldness
I know right!hypertension and hair regrowth!