Mixing Lye with No-Lye....My Hair Horror Story


New Member
<font color="orange"> I've been going to the same stylist for about a year. She's a licensed beautician who works out of her basement. I usually go every 6-8 weeks or so for my touch ups. She doesn't like my hair care regimen and I don't trust her with a pair of scissors but so what. She did a good job with my touch-ups and I trusted her for that.

Anyway, yesterday I sat down in her chair, she based my scalp and started applying my favorite Designer Touch relaxer (lye). She got to the top of my head and was like "ooops....I'm running out of relaxer. Wait here and I'll run to the bss...It will take me 3 minutes."

I didn't like that idea but my head was full of relaxer at that point and what choice did I have? I checked my watch and decided that if she took too long I would just rinse my hair myself. Well, she made it to the store and back in 4 minutes. So the back and sides had been processing for 7 minutes but I was not worried because Designer Touch is very mild. She continued to relax and smooth my hair with this new container. When I looked at the container though, I saw that it was a PCJ kiddie perm - no lye

I jumped up and asked, "What are you doing?"
She pushed me back down into her chair and says "Oh, don't worry. All relaxers have lye. I've done this before. Your hair will be beautiful."

My thought process was running in slow motion but I said to myself, "Surely this can't be right." I felt like I was in a nightmare.

I decided that right then wasn't the time to cuss and holler, so I ran to the sink and started rinsing my hair.

She was shocked and appalled but she came to the sink to help me rinse and shampoo. She was muttering the whole time about hair boards and crazy ideas and letting the professionals be the professionals and what not. I wasn't caring. I wanted to run out of the door screaming but I had a date last night so I sat in her chair for a deep condition (moisturizing). She did that, wrapped it, and then flat ironed it.

My hair looks good but it is underprocessed. Worse than that, it feels very dry. After my date, I rubbed jojoba oil through it and wrapped it with a satin scarf. This morning it feels a lot better but I'm sure the damage has been done. The no-lye, lye mix was on my head for about 3 minutes. I had applied conditioner to protect the previously relaxed hair the night before, but I wasn't careful about it. *sigh*

So, now I need some advice please. What should I do next?

dang smoochies i cant belive the hairdresser did summin lik that!! its amazin that she hadnt checked that she had enuf designer's touch to do yo whole head b4 she started!!
i cant really offer much advice but here's a kiss n positivce thinkin i'm sendin yo way for good hair health
Well, the first thing you should do is go back over there and slap her. &lt;sigh&gt;

Seriously, the deep conditioning and jojoba oil was a good idea. I think that's what you should continue to do.

Goodness gracious!
OMG , I thought I had heard it all, when I saw the title I was thinking that the hairdresser knowing full well that she has used lye in the past decided to use no lye this time (which has happened to me before). This is unbeleivable!!! Thank god you were strong enough to get up out of the chair and rinse it out. I am very proud of you. Prior to this hair board I probably would have sat there and just prayed that my hair wouldn't fall out. Please find another person or if you can't bring your own relaxers from now on so she can't try this again. The sad thing is she probably just picked up whatever was cheapest with absolutely NO regard for the health of your hair. The more I type the madder I get !! I wouldn't know if I could ever trsut her again.
I truly sympathize with you, she should not have mixed lye and no-lye together. She's also a liar for saying that ALL relaxers have lye in them.

I suggest you continue to do a deep moisturizing comditioner after every wash and wait at least 4 weeks to correct the underprocessed hair.

Good luck and keep us updated.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. She probably knew she didn't have enough relaxer before she got started doing your hair.
What the heck was she thinking??

I think you should continue to deep condition your hair and keep it oiled for the next few weeks. Maybe you should get it retouched again in 4-6 weeks.

BTW, I love Designer's Touch Lye Relaxer also.

Smooches, I am soooo sorry to hear this happened to you.
Keep up with the conditioning treatments, for sure. Do them more than you normally would to prepare your hair for the next time. Like others have said it sounds like it is time to bring your own relaxer, if you REALLY want to stay with her. The problem is you may not be able to buy Designer's Touch (it is a good relaxer). In some markets it is hard to find for unliscensed people. Some chinamen BSS's carry it.

BTW, I love their GroComplex 5000, makes the hair really shiny.

Happy hair
This is why "credentials" mean absolutely nothing to me.

When stylists go on and on about how "knowledgeable" they are about hair and how much training they've had, I immediately tune them out.

Some of the most high-falutin' stylists have jacked up my head. This is why I do my own hair. Even more confirmation to steer clear of salons.

Finding a caring, compassionate stylist who LISTENS and has your best interest in mind is either hit or miss. So sorry to hear about your dilemma. My first reaction was - SUE!
OMG, Smooches,
, I am glad that you caught the mistake at that time(the hair dresser should know better
) It would be probably worse!
keep deep conditioning your hair. I am so sorry it happened
. I hope everything goes well for you.
Every time I think about this, I just shake my head. At least you had the nerve to get up and take care of yourself and your hair. You should feel very proud of yourself for that.
That's unbelievable! I don't feel so bad about my reluctance to go to salons. First of all, you end up sitting there for hours! Then they don't even attempt to give you the style you requested but rather the style they like!
Hello Smooches:

You have been given the best advice from these wonderful ladies; I would like to add a "footnote" to all those who have already given you advice.

go to www.pyhto.com; 625 Madison Avenue - N.Y. N.Y. 1002 Tel: 1.800.648.0349. On this site you will find a few products: the first being "Phyojoba Intense Hydrating-Shampoo; "Huile D'ales Intense Hydrating Oil treament".

If your hair becomes somewhat brittle then try Phytocadamia-Restoring Shampoo; this company supplies a high end list of products that will be able to accommodate your needs.

I have used these products in the past and still use the Phytojoba shampoo; thank you for being strong enough to share your experience. A true voice has a lot of power!


<font color="orange"> Thanks for your support and encouragement ladies. I really do need that right now.

I should have seen some type of disaster was coming. She never really supported my hair goals and was so scissor happy that she would beg to cut or lie about split ends. When I asked her to show me where my ends were split, she would say "Oh forget it."

It still amazes me how hard it actually was to take control of the situation. She did a good job of making me feel like I was over reacting, but shoot, this is a hobby for me so I knew better. Plus, she was literally holding me down in the seat. Aaaaaand, she had the nerve to call me today to ask if I had calmed down.

Please believe that I ain't hardly tryna sit my butt in that woman's chair again ever. I'm mad as hell but I need to kick my own tail too for not moving on sooner.

I'm going to be working the deep treatments for a few weeks and then I'll see what condition my hair is in before I try to do a corrective relaxer. I'll keep you all updated.
I'm proud of you for taking matters in your own hands. Not all so-called professionals are as knowledgeable as they think they are. I'm glad you knew better than to let someone damage your hair.
I'm really sorry for u
.... holding u down in the chair....then got the nerve to call &amp; ask have u calmed down? I woulda' said "naw.. but I'll calm down after I whip yo'
".... (God please forgive me...) That woman is crazy.... I haven't seen a stylist in over a decade... God truly saved me, cuz If I had a stylist like her, shoooot, I would probably be in jail for putting my foot up her butt

I'm just hating her for u....
<font color="orange">

Oh Peachtree you are such an inspiration. I'ma remember that the next time I catch that heifer on the street

<font color="orange">BTW thanks to all for the comedy. Y'all got me over here crackin up and going nuts all at the same time



I'm so sorry to hear about this disaster. That woman is crazy and needs her license revoked!!

I'm so proud of you tho'..It was wonderful that you got up from that chair and rinsed that crap out. I'm glad that you didn't let her ruin your hair.

Continue to deep condition it and moisturize your hair. As Crysdon said, correct the damage in 4 weeks (but only the sections that are underprocessed, if possible).
<font color="orange">

Oh Peachtree you are such an inspiration. I'ma remember that the next time I catch that heifer on the street


[/ QUOTE ]

Hey Smooches, I got cho' back gurl