I have been wondering this same thing so I posted the question on another board. I don't know why I didn't ask here
Anywho, the lady that responded actually had the diagnostic wheel, but she didn't have it in front of her when she responded. So, you may have to try the ratios in reverse if it doesn't work. Being the procrastinator that I am, I haven't tried them myself to see if it works.
Another disclaimer, I'm not sure what unit of measurement (if any) these numbers represent. The lady just said "parts". So the numbers in parenthesis represent my interpretation. On the bottles of conditioner, it says to use 2 oz. So I figured 2 oz would be the total maximum amount of conditioner to use. With that being said the 1-1 ratio for medium hair, equals 1 oz of each conditioner.
<ul type="square"> [*]Hair texture ---- Hydrafuse---- Kerafuse
Medium ---------- 2 (1oz) ----- 2 (1oz)
Coarse ---------- 1 (.5oz) ----- 3 (1.5oz)
Fine -------------- 3 (.5oz) ----- 1 (.5oz)
Fine-Medium ---- 3 (1.2oz) ---- 2 (.8oz)
Medium-Coarse -- 2 (.8oz) ---- 3 (1.2oz)
[/list] I'm probably off on my numbers, especially for the Fine-Med and the Med-Coarse ratios. But, hey I tried!
Ok, this chart didn't come out the way I planned. Hopefully you'll understand it.