mixed textures & hair shorter than the rest


Well-Known Member
I will say I don't know my hair typing too well. :/ So these are approximate guesses. (I'll try to take some pics later
A couple years ago my hair broke off during my transition a good amount. And I think(?) it's growing back but it is significantly shorter then the rest of my hair. Like 6-9" shorter. :ohwell:
Not only that, that section is the tightest curled section of my hair. I think it's 4b (or maybe it's a 4a/4b mix idk) So when I wear it shrinks up a lot. Which wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't right next to the loosest curls on my head. The front half of my head is probably 4a, the 3rd quadrant is the short section and the last is long not tightly curled 3c. :/ My mom said it looked like i was wearing a long weave out the bottom of my hair yesterday. :blush::nono:

It wouldn't be that bad if you know it was 3c next to 4a but it's not :(

Does anyone else have this problem, it's the section that gives me the most grief.

here you can see how short it is

here's a diagram
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I'm having the same problem as far as different textures go. Some of my curls are really tight, others are loose and large in diameter...and some sections do not curl at all! I recently started using Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and it makes my curls look more uniform. Maybe using something like that could help you?
Yes, I have that problem. When I had a twa, I had to manipulate it to look uniform, but now I just wear twistouts or twist and curls to have a uniform look.
yep I do. I have soft hair in the front, then some extremely nappy hair at the crown and edges, and then the most beautiful baby soft hair in the kitchen area, which is a shame because it hardly gets any exposure.
that might help with the size, but It's not going to help much with the length. I do have a curling creme so I guess i could try

I added some pics i don't think there is any amount of manipulating is going to make up the differences in length :( I wish i could master the art of twists. But it alludes me.

your hair sounds a bit like mine, really kinky edges (which is so fragile) and my kitchen is soft/silky and rather resilient. I really wish that it was switched.
your hair is beautiful brg240 :3 the hair at my nape and crown is very loose and the front is my tightest. It looks like a mullet basically lol. What I do to blend the different textures for when I do w&gs is do my hair all at once--no sections. It's when I section my hair off that the difference is most apparent. I just rake the gel through top to bottom (on hair that has been super detangled lol).
Mines is similar. Except I have a Mohawk of 3c and then 4ab mix on the sides. Im looking into henna to lessen the difference
I so feel your pain. The back of my hair and sides are 3c. Then it goes from 4a top and sides to 4a/b in the crown. The differences are very distinct. It is like a bullseye. The 4ab section is very dry, extremely tangled and has extreme shrinkage, no curl definition. I have finally got the right products to keep that middle from feeling like a brillow pad. The back is the silkiest and hangs long. I think there may be some 3b there as well. The crown sticks straight up and doesn't move unless I keep it stretched. To blend the textures, I band the crown all the way to the ends. I have been using Qhemet Burdock Root Butter Cream which really softens my crown.