Mission: From tha Flo' UP!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies :wave:

How ya'll doing? A common theme that I see on this site is that woman wanna be more well rounded as far as health and beauty goes. I am right there with ya'll!!!

I've always wanted to be more well rounded and so now..I am on a Mission "FROM THA FLO' UP"

That's right, Im working on my feet to the crown of my head...and I am wondering for those ladies who have been, are still on or plan on going on this road, maybe ya'll can post:
1. Things that need improvement
2. What you are planning to do to improve it
3. Products you will use/or questions about products anyone would suggest.

This is Mine

Hair: I want to get to BSL Length, but I dont want my hair limp and Dull. Its gotta be strong, moistured and shiny! I plan on getting my regimine together and continue to apply that MTG my Black castor oil and some nice slippy cons to my hair! low on the blow, always wear a satin scarf.

Face:Goodness...this alone will probably take a year. I am still working on this regimine...but I really wanna but that Mychelle line of face care...I Love to steam my face...the moisture is excellent. I wanna get rid of my blemishes and scars, hopefully her line can help...I heard a lot of good raves

Hands:Yeah, right now...my nails are HORRENDOUS Im not into acrylic...it damages my nails anyway...but I can NO longer walk out my house with Ash all ova!!:eek: I get so embarrased...I think ima baggy my hands at night:lachen: But mostly, try to keep my nails nice and trimmed and moisturized

Body: hmmm yummy sugar scrubs and I need a really good Body Lotion...anyone have any suggestions...for the scrubs as well. I want my whole body to be smooth like a baby bottom

Internal Body:whheeewww...I gotta eat right (Mind you I just ate some popeyes) I have been down this road time and time again and I have found what works best for me is planning ahead of time. I definately want to up my water, veggies and fruits..especially since summer is around the corner, this will be easier since I no longer need to stuff myself with Carbs for warmth (yeah this is my fav. excuse for eating all that white starch):lol:

Feet:umm...I recall one of the beautiful LHCF ladies mentioned that she baggyed her feet!!! yyeeeaahhh, ima be doing the same thing:p Cause a sista's feet are pulling the carpet up while she walks!!! :look: yeah I know thats horrible!!! I tried going to the Chinese ppl 'round my way but there is ALWAYS someone new there, and they don't know what they are doing!!! So ima just have to invest in my own pedi supplies or suttin...the summa is here and sandals are IN IN IN!!

Spirit: MOST IMPORANTLY MY SPIRIT. I myself am a very spiritual person. I love my father in heaven and desire a closer, more intense relationship with him. I believe that in me taking care of myself, as well as praying and reading my word daily will enable me to have room to love others, including myself. The way I groom myself will only speak volumes into what I THINK of myself. But I know im worthy of royalty because I am Joint heirs with Christ AMEN!

Remember, we are NOT looking for perfection, we are looking for improvement. I think I, myself spend too much time day dreaming about how much better I want to look like, mad about my blemishes or love handles because I KNOW I don't have to stay this way...I think I can...I think I can..I will change
** By the way you don't have to be as lengthy as me...Im just a long winded kinda gal
Ill bite!

Things Im working on:

1) Hair - trying to learn more styles-im boring myself to death. Plan on looking in some magazines and fotkis of LHCF ladies:)

2) Body- trying to tone up more, striving for the halle berry look. Plan on running more and doing weight training:)

3) Spirit- striving for wisdom and understanding. In the midst of a year long consulting project for school and got blessed with an awful team. I learned a lot about myself in the process, particularly how to be more patient. I look forward to learning more lessons like these:)
Sounds Good! I am in if this is a Challenge

Hair: By January I want to be able to pull my Hair back into a Puff, I plan on sticking to what works which is do what I do, My hairs grows faster by just letting it be, I wanna get to my Goal with No growth enhancements, I wanna see what my hair can do!

Face:...I want to try to keep from getting Pimples every now and then I want to get my skin Flawless, I have great skin now, I wear No Make up and I never have, I just wear Lip Gloss, but once a month it becomes Terrible and there really isn't anything I can do about that!

Hands:I have soft smoothe Feminine Hands Nails look great but they grow too darn fast and I cut them, I hate dirt under my nails ewww!

Body: Workout Regulary, 3-4 times a week!

Internal Body: Try not to eat too much sweets, I have a bad sweet tooth! That is what I need to work on and eating more fruits!

Feet: I keep my feet smooth soft and supple, By applying Vaseline and putting on my cotton socks at night, This takes care of rough dry cracked feet! Been doing it since I was 13.

Spirit: To keep the Faith

Just enjoy Life to the Fullest!!!