Mission Accomplished: It appears that I have self relaxed with Sucess!!!!!!!


New Member
For the very first time in my life, I have done my touch up and self relaxed all by myself!!!!!!!

On top of that i did it with success....well it appears:look: Hair still wet. Im about to sit under the cool dryer.

It was the scariest thing I ever did! But once it was all done and with success.I felt more powerful, this meant that I have 100% control on my hair and not some stylist!! :lol:

Anyway, I decided out of the blue to do the touch up today.I have an important interview tomorow and i wanted to look sharp.

I read the half and half technique of Lonei and the self relaxing tips from Londondiva.

So i decided to plunge in and do it. I did my prayer asked god for guidance and protection. Then , I proceeded to devide my hair in half. I did the bottom first and the front last.

I used phyto II. I used the grease in the kit so put on my scalp and a bit on my rooth and previously relaxed hair( i was too chicken so i knew this would sort of slow down the relaxer). I did as directed in the Phyto instruction. I used 7 mins to apply for each section and then 8 to 18 to massage.

Turned out I was quicker than i thought. For each half i applied the relaxer in sub 5 mins. THen massaged until i felt my roots were straight enough. Then rinsed and applied Neutraliser, rinced and repeated the same with the front half. THen when all was done neutralized the first half and rinse. THen Neutralize the head as a whole and rinse. I used 2 bottles of neutralizers in my hair. 2 bottles! just to make sure that i had no more pink traces. THen i used the reconstructor and kept it in the hair for 5 minutes. I rinsed and finished with Hello Hydration Conditionner( with added honey). My hair felt sof and it had a slip.

I think my first half( bottom hair) turned out better then the front. My front still has a bit of curl in it.

Thanks everyone in LHCF for teaching me how to self relax! This is trully a mildstone in my life! I could have never done it without any of you. :Rose: :dance7: :bdance: :bouncy:

Now i got one 2 more goals( new year LHCF resolution) to learn. Proper Rollersetting and Bunning.
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We all knew u could do it! (ya go gurl) see its not bad as it seems it was all in ur mind
U can do it,Just put ur mind to it.
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Congratulations!!!!:clapping: You are on your way to total hair control. Feels good doesn't it. Once again congrats and good luck with many more successful "Firsts". Wow, what an achievement.:)
What might help is using 2 timers to give the front and back the same full 20 minutes. This helps greatly.

When I do the half and half method, the 1st section always does better than the 2nd for me. I think I am always afraid to over process any section that happen to not get nuetralized enough.

i also use lots of shampoo too. Way more than when I have self relaxed an entire head at a time.

Did you get any or your hair wet that was under the plastic cap? Sometimes I do and after I notice more curl in that section because I try to avoid relaxing it.
Congrats babe, glad i could help. I did mine over the weekend and my heart still beats like mad, sometimes I even get the shakes! But then, as usual, I prayed and all was well!
I'm seriously considering taking the self-relaxing step as well. It was a botched-up attempt at self-relaxing that sent me to a salon for the first time 20 years ago. Knowing what I know now, I really didn't know what I was doing back then. Now, I think I could manage it well enough. How do those of you who self-relax know when your hair's straight enough? My fear is that I'll start to feel a little burn and take it out before my hair's straight. (This is what my stylist always tells me when I tell her I'm starting to burn--that my hair's not even straight yet..ugh!)
Connie said:
I'm seriously considering taking the self-relaxing step as well. It was a botched-up attempt at self-relaxing that sent me to a salon for the first time 20 years ago. Knowing what I know now, I really didn't know what I was doing back then. Now, I think I could manage it well enough. How do those of you who self-relax know when your hair's straight enough? My fear is that I'll start to feel a little burn and take it out before my hair's straight. (This is what my stylist always tells me when I tell her I'm starting to burn--that my hair's not even straight yet..ugh!)

I too was wondering the same thing, how will i know if my hair is straight enough. Well you start massaging the section you can feel the difference as it get straighter. Cause you are constantly massaging it.
HoneyDew said:

When I do the half and half method, the 1st section always does better than the 2nd for me. I think I am always afraid to over process any section that happen to not get nuetralized enough.

i also use lots of shampoo too. Way more than when I have self relaxed an entire head at a time.

Did you get any or your hair wet that was under the plastic cap? Sometimes I do and after I notice more curl in that section because I try to avoid relaxing it.

Oddly, none of the hair unser the shower cap was wet. I stood nect to the tub and turned on the shower. I ajusted the shower head so it would hit only the bottom of the head. I has water everywhere, howeverit worked a charm. When dealing with the bottom part of the head..i would stand further down the tub( not inside the tub but glued to the side the tub) That is the area where the water is closer to hit the floo there for will make less of a splash and its easier to control.
nadine1977canada said:
Oddly, none of the hair unser the shower cap was wet. I stood nect to the tub and turned on the shower. I ajusted the shower head so it would hit only the bottom of the head. I has water everywhere, howeverit worked a charm. When dealing with the bottom part of the head..i would stand further down the tub( not inside the tub but glued to the side the tub) That is the area where the water is closer to hit the floo there for will make less of a splash and its easier to control.

I wonder if I can try it next time in the kitchen sink. I can do the front 1st and then the back.

I actually did it by getting into the shower. Maybe that is why some got wet for me.
Congratulations!!! :clapping:

I know how you feel--I felt so empowered when I did my first one. Now tomorrow I'm going for the second one. I'm nervous about it, but not as much as the first because I know more what to expect.

In Shamboosie's book, he says that you can tell when the relaxer is ready by noticing when smoothing, that the hair doesn't poof up from the scalp-- then it's ready. I went strictly by the time guide that Silk Elements recommends--22 minutes for coarse hair--and that seemed to be right for me.

I did my whole head, divided into four sections. I did the back first, then the front. Since the back was about 5 minutes ahead of the front, I rinse the back for a good five minutes before rinsing the front, to ensure equal processing. The back was still underprocessed a little--but I was tentative at first and started out using too little relaxer creme. As I got into it, I was concentrating and forgot about the nervousness, and actually the front came out better.

Way to go--I'm proud of you!!!!!