Missing the Atlanta Area Meeting!


New Member

I am so sorry that I couldn't meet with you on last Saturday!

After just finding out I am expecting, I experienced my first phase of "all day" sickness
and couldn't get up the energy to make it up to see you guys. I just returned to work on Wednesday afternoon!

I hate I missed it and I hope you guys had a ball!
Hey Garr!
Sorry you missed the meeting we missed you too! I am glad that you are up and around again. Congratulations on expecting a bundle of joy! I hope all goes well. Hope to see you at the next meeting!

Check out the 'We had fun at the Atlanta Area meeting' thread to get info on what happened. It was fun!
Don't feel bad. I feel like a total heel for missing the meeting, but the clutch went out on my car last week and i had to put it in the shop
I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to meet everyone too
I know that it must have been really great meeting each other and exchanging ideas and information.

I read it and it looks like yall had fun! I noticed that you're planning one in March! Hope to be there!

And thanks for the Congrats!

Jainygirl: I feel you on the car thing. My baby is 12 years old and I just replaced the clutch, October 24th; and the alternator, this Monday
! I shouldn't be mad 'cause it's just old and just now starting to give me problems. But why on 85 North a mile from Jimmy Carter Blvd?????

I guess it's time to stop glorifying in no car note and buy a dang car