Missed Opportunities, Regrets


New Member
Anybody have those? Would you like to share? I'll share mine.

Once, on the KU campus, I was walking from our dorms, crossed down through the St. Lawrence Catholic Center to walk through the professors' neighborhood to get to campus for classes. On the way, there is a large cross next to the Church. It must have been springtime because I remember the warmth of the weather. The cross was draped in purple cloth.

As I walked by, I could sense Christ specifically hanging there, bidding me to kneel and cross myself and worship Him. I was not catholic. I stopped, looked up at the cross but didn't kneel because there was another student passing me by in the opposite direction. I kept going but felt immediate remorse so I prayed.

After classes, I passed through the same way back to the dorms and this time, I knelt and crossed myself. I wonder what would have been the outcome had I knelt and crossed my heart and head at the time I felt the urge to. Was there a student passing me by who was having some inner turmoil who would have been encouraged? Would I myself have been edified by him on that journey? I will never know until the day I am no longer here in the flesh, G-d willing.

Once upon a time, in my eye's mind, I saw Jesus hanging on a cross and I was afraid to worship Him publicly. I wish I had.
I have to think
Off topic: genuflecting (spelling???) I hated that when I switched to Catholic school. I thought it was so slow because I never did it in my church or saw anyone do it. Plus the high school I was at before made God such a huge part of our daily lives I didn't see how kneeling to a statue had anything to do with my spirit kneeling. Lol I think the nuns/sisters at my school couldn't stand me cuz when I refused to do it my non-Catholic classmates followed
Anybody have those? Would you like to share? I'll share mine.

Once, on the KU campus, I was walking from our dorms, crossed down through the St. Lawrence Catholic Center to walk through the professors' neighborhood to get to campus for classes. On the way, there is a large cross next to the Church. It must have been springtime because I remember the warmth of the weather. The cross was draped in purple cloth.

As I walked by, I could sense Christ specifically hanging there, bidding me to kneel and cross myself and worship Him. I was not catholic. I stopped, looked up at the cross but didn't kneel because there was another student passing me by in the opposite direction. I kept going but felt immediate remorse so I prayed.

After classes, I passed through the same way back to the dorms and this time, I knelt and crossed myself. I wonder what would have been the outcome had I knelt and crossed my heart and head at the time I felt the urge to. Was there a student passing me by who was having some inner turmoil who would have been encouraged? Would I myself have been edified by him on that journey? I will never know until the day I am no longer here in the flesh, G-d willing.

Once upon a time, in my eye's mind, I saw Jesus hanging on a cross and I was afraid to worship Him publicly. I wish I had.

Slightly OT: I just had to share that I went to KU as well and indeed there is something very special about St. Lawrence. I am not catholic but That is one place where I could feel the spirit as I passed.
Slightly OT: I just had to share that I went to KU as well and indeed there is something very special about St. Lawrence. I am not catholic but That is one place where I could feel the spirit as I passed.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss the services with Fr. Kirsche. He was simple yet incredibly spiritual and engaging...bright and just so...I dunno. On another note: KU has lots of swine flu:nono:
I have to think
Off topic: genuflecting (spelling???) I hated that when I switched to Catholic school. I thought it was so slow because I never did it in my church or saw anyone do it. Plus the high school I was at before made God such a huge part of our daily lives I didn't see how kneeling to a statue had anything to do with my spirit kneeling. Lol I think the nuns/sisters at my school couldn't stand me cuz when I refused to do it my non-Catholic classmates followed

LOL....:look:...um, did you figure it out?
Anybody have those? Would you like to share? I'll share mine.

Once, on the KU campus, I was walking from our dorms, crossed down through the St. Lawrence Catholic Center to walk through the professors' neighborhood to get to campus for classes. On the way, there is a large cross next to the Church. It must have been springtime because I remember the warmth of the weather. The cross was draped in purple cloth.

As I walked by, I could sense Christ specifically hanging there, bidding me to kneel and cross myself and worship Him. I was not catholic. I stopped, looked up at the cross but didn't kneel because there was another student passing me by in the opposite direction. I kept going but felt immediate remorse so I prayed.

After classes, I passed through the same way back to the dorms and this time, I knelt and crossed myself. I wonder what would have been the outcome had I knelt and crossed my heart and head at the time I felt the urge to. Was there a student passing me by who was having some inner turmoil who would have been encouraged? Would I myself have been edified by him on that journey? I will never know until the day I am no longer here in the flesh, G-d willing.

Once upon a time, in my eye's mind, I saw Jesus hanging on a cross and I was afraid to worship Him publicly. I wish I had.

yes, yes and YES!

quickening/unctions... obedience...

very powerful.
LORD help me.
I can understand your story.

Once, when I was a teenager, I was at an aunt's house for one reason or another. She was a very hard working woman, taking care of her bedridden mother 24-7, raising her kids, just a humble, hard-working person, and plainly tired. As I was leaving, she said that she was "tired, just tired." And at that moment, I know the Lord put it in my heart to say "Trust in Jesus, His yoke is easy, and his burden is light." But I didn't. I was too afraid.

I think about that often, even though it was 10 years ago. What spiritual blessing could have been given my aunt had I said it? I don't think anyone's salvation is entirely dependent on what we do or don't do, but still. I very much regret not being obedient to the Spirit at that time.
I remember this .. it's slightly off topic but still a missed opportunity for me:

A friend of mine had just relocated to our town and I'd invited to church and he never did come when I expected him to. So I just assume he'd never come to our church. One day, he did show up, but on a Sunday I didn't make it to church. :pullhair:

My cell was off and when I later put it on, 1 heard his two voice mails -- one, asking where in the parking lot I was.. and the other telling me he's putting his cell off because he's going inside for the service.. :laugh:

I felt a bit sad for missing the opportunity to worship with him. :(
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