Miss Key 10 En 1 Super conditioner


Well-Known Member
To the ladies that use this conditioner - Is this product best used with or without heat? How long are you leaving it in? I just ordered this conditioner from Sickbay and will be trying it for the first time this weekend. I really hope this works for my hair, I have heard so many raves on the board.
I used this conditioner, and the BEST that it worked for me was after doing a cw (started with dry hair), then a protein treatment (EQP BC Serum), then used Miss Keys with heat. OMG, my hair was silky soft. I don't know if it was the conditioner itself, or how I used it.
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I also use it with heat for 15 minutes, it works like a protein treatment on my hair (leaves it a little hard, no slip), but the softness and shine I get is unbelievable once I rinse and airdry.
I bought a big ol' tub of it, and it tangles my hair, smells like peach flavored alcohol (stress the alcohol), it does nothing for my hair. In fact, I think that's why my hair has been breaking. So, I kept using it because I bought so much of it and had nothing else. Never again. But I hope it works for you.