Miss Jessie’s Article

In addition, I do give them props because they are good business woman , and clearly state that the silkening process can give you the natural LOOK. It shouldnt confuse anybody and if they do I dont think its their fault because as black woman if we dont educate ourselves on hair care we should NOT expect companies to do so. Its like shopping for a computer I dont expect a rep working on commission to tell me which computer is the best. So what do I do ...I get the most info I can and than make my decision.

I agree that people should do their own research. But, I remember that when I was researching healthy hair care, I found Miss Jessie's site before I found LHCF and honestly I did not realize that the silkener was a chemical process until way later. I'm not natural, so I wouldn't have gotten it anyway, but it's just a little bit deceptive.

I remember the first time I got a phyto-relaxer, I didn't want a chemical service b/c I was having problems with relaxers, but, the stylist called it a "natural relaxer" b/c they use some botanical extracts. I was like..."oh, ok." not realizing that a perm is either lye or no-lye, but it's still a chemical straightener that was going to break down the bonds in my hair!!

Call me crazy, but the way the stylists words things when you are sitting in that chair can put pressure on you.
OP it's just a marketing ploy .They have a service and product to sell.
"Natural-like", "Naturalness", "Natural-Look" = I have chemicals in my hair.
I hate euphemisms!
Just call a spade a spade...and still sell your products.

ITA, they know they just selling a perm/texturizer under a new name. There is no difference. You can go get any lye perm and do what they do. Now I do appreciate what they try to do in promoting the acceptance of curly textures but they are trippin' with the "natural look" phrase.
No. Just because it looks natural it still isn't natural. They are just trying to sell their services IMO.

Agreed. They make me sick with that mess.

Once you add a chemical to make your hair more "manageable", then it's no longer NATURAL and you will be ADDICTED to said chemical for the duration of your supposed "naturalness".

Like I and many other naturals have said over the years, if you haven't transitioned in your MIND, then you will ALWAYS fall for these very expensive gimmicks.

It's a freakin' texturizer, but yet they want to give it a fancy word like "silkener" to make it sound like it's something else. *itches please. *rolling my eyes*
ummmm no. silkeners (along with texturizers, light relaxers, texlaxers, etc) are not and can not be a "form" of natural hair. either hair is natural or it isn't.
LMAO! Haven't heard that in years.

$500 to $800 for a glorified texturizer?!!! Man I'm in the wrong business!

They had a separate price for everything - conditioners, cut, trim, color, $50 for them to just touch your hair at all, etc. LOL! (I made the last part up, but hey, u neva know)

I will admit that I do like their "angle/balance" cut, but lord knows I don't want to pay $300 to make it happen.
Wow they're in Bedstuy o.0 I could go and walk to their salon right now if I wanted. cool:spinning:

Nah, silkeners =/= natural. But I think they stated that in their article. I think, if they're weren't charging an arm and a leg for it, it'd be pretty cool. As long as they're clear that it's a chemical service (therefore not natural) I don't really mind. But I don't really get this line blurring thing. I couldn't call myself natural after putting a "silkener" in my hair, but I wouldn't really feel bad about it either if it was my informed decision and I understood fully what I was doing. I would feel bad about losing a few hundred bucks tho =\