Miracles Here vs Miracles There


A True Soldier Never Dies
I'm in a Bible group at college and many people were asking the same question:

How come a lot of miracles (people being raised from the dead, physical healing, etc.) you do not hear of happening here in the US, but you hear about them in other places? Or are a lot of miracles happening in the US, but we just don't hear about them as often?
I'll take a stab at this one. I would go with yes, there are a lot of miracles happening in the US, but you don't hear about them as often. I've been to some churches where I've seen it, I have friends who I personally know live and direct who've experienced supernatural healing and some incredible miracels and encounters. But its funny I didn't hear about any of that in the U.S. until I moved to the West Coast! I've heard it said (and I think its true) that miracles are kinda linked to desperation. When you are absolutely desperate and put your faith in God He can perform a miracle on your behalf. For me, coming from a third world country where many people have very few comforts and conveniences, you tend to hear of miracles more because people are forced to exercise their faith sometimes to just get a meal. I think the churches in the US who have many miraculous things happening have have simply believed that miracles can happen and just regularly excerise that gift. Anyway these are just my thoughts. I think miracles are soooo important for the body of Christ, because its one of the main things that should set up apart.
Someone had posted this over the holidays...


Even on this very board, not many people seemed to care or even believe. I believe as many miracles happen here as anywhere else, but that there are many 'distractions'. The US is a melting pot of contending cultures and religions, whereas many other countries have one major culture and are more cohesive. So some 'news' will be more important than others.
Wherever God's people is, there are miracles.
Just a scripture reference I think is relevant. The answer to your question I think is multi-part.:yep:
Matt 13:58
58And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.
Yes, there are miracles happening everyday. My life is a miracle. How Jesus saved my soul, is a MIRACLE!!! Hallelujah!

We don't hear of them everyday on the norm, but they are happening all around us.

The scripture that Prudent1 added to this thread is so important...so important indeed. :yep:
Just a scripture reference I think is relevant. The answer to your question I think is multi-part.:yep:
Matt 13:58
58And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.
Well said.

I had a similar conversation with my minister a few years back and he said that people in other countries, particularly 3rd world countries just exercise more faith. It comes from the desperation and the total dependence on God.

How awesome it would be if more people had that kind of faith.
Someone had posted this over the holidays...


Even on this very board, not many people seemed to care or even believe. I believe as many miracles happen here as anywhere else, but that there are many 'distractions'. The US is a melting pot of contending cultures and religions, whereas many other countries have one major culture and are more cohesive. So some 'news' will be more important than others.
Wherever God's people is, there are miracles.

I live in Durham, but I've never heard of this place. I will have to find out more about it.

At any rate, the baby wasn't actually in a coma when she was in that video. Sheryl Brady later talked about it.