Miracle seacher Or Just PJ


Active Member
I have to be honest with myself. Why do I buy so many products and jump on the bandwagon so many times? If I could buy hair growth, I would have hair to my ankles. My sister laughs at all the products and appliances I have. Caruso curlers, curling irons, flat irons, hood dryer, every kind of roller you can name, and then I go on a “no heat” binge and it’s braids, buns, phony ponies and products, products, products everywhere. Some half used and some brand new. Am I really just searching for a miracle product? Or is this PJism at it’s worst???
Miracle seacher Or Just PJ.....This is cute!!!!

I've done this for years but I have really been doing good staying on my regimen....Keeping it Simple !!!
This is tough...on one hand we're trying to find the right products for the perfect hair balance. On the other hand, we hear slip, shine, bind and we go...:drunk:

I think when we 'jump on the bandwagon' it really is in an attempt to find that one, two, or tenth product that will help us retain, moisturize, strengthen and grow our hair.

The packaging, smell and overall appeal of the product just makes it more interesting and easier to take a seat on that wagon :grin:
I think you may just be a PJ. I dont think I jump on every regimen but some raves seem to good without me finding out for myself. . Anyhow I just love to shop. and hair products is one of the things I shop for. As long as you can pay your bills and have money for food and entertainment- I say why not???
I think you may just be a PJ. I dont think I jump on every regimen but some raves seem to good without me finding out for myself. . Anyhow I just love to shop. and hair products is one of the things I shop for. As long as you can pay your bills and have money for food and entertainment- I say why not???

Amen sista :lachen:
I bet your sister is all in your stash and stuff. I have a bin of stuff that I didn't like or didn't stick with, but it gets raided on the regular by family member (sisters), who don't want to buy their own stuff. So they get in the car and drive over to my house, use up my products and go back home. lol

I hide the stuff I like or else they would use that up too if I let them.

I think we do it because of that hope, that this is the ONE product/system that will work and truthfully, it can be fun (at first):grin:.

K.I.S.S. works in the long run though--stick with what first worked.
Miracle seacher Or Just PJ.....This is cute!!!!

I've done this for years but I have really been doing good staying on my regimen....Keeping it Simple !!!

How do you manage to stay away from every product that they start to rave about on the board? I am fighting to stay away from the Indian products right now. I made it through the dominican products raves although, I still go to the Dominican Product sites sometime and fight the urge to buy.

I must be a serious PJ but then I have a cabinet full of half wigs, full wigs, phony ponies, braid hair, weave hair (and I haven't weaved in years). - I no longer like the fake hair but I wear it as protective styles anyway. Six curling irons (different sizes), two straighering comb, an oven, 2 crimping irons (I haven't used in years) Caruso curlers (used once), and hundreds, literally hundreds of different rollers.

I really need one regimen that works for me but I keep jumping from one thing to another but I worry that I don't buy this or that, it may the one thing that help what ever problem I'm having at the moment.
How do you manage to stay away from every product that they start to rave about on the board? I am fighting to stay away from the Indian products right now. I made it through the dominican products raves although, I still go to the Dominican Product sites sometime and fight the urge to buy.

I must be a serious PJ but then I have a cabinet full of half wigs, full wigs, phony ponies, braid hair, weave hair (and I haven't weaved in years). - I no longer like the fake hair but I wear it as protective styles anyway. Six curling irons (different sizes), two straighering comb, an oven, 2 crimping irons (I haven't used in years) Caruso curlers (used once), and hundreds, literally hundreds of different rollers.

I really need one regimen that works for me but I keep jumping from one thing to another but I worry that I don't buy this or that, it may the one thing that help what ever problem I'm having at the moment.

I so agree with the above.....The Indian products are really calling my name because I see the good results on others..But what I'm doing is really working.. my hair is healthy and my hair is really growing ....So I'm sticking with it ...But I'm starting to feel left out....
I think they are the same in many ways. A PJ obviously has used many different products. Certainly she has found stuff that works for her. So what is that next new bandwagon product - a miracle?

If you have products that "do the job" and work for you, why jump on bandwagons and buy new stuff?

I ask myself that all the time. I have my staples. I don't need to stray. I have been burned from doing that anyway. Slowly it has prevented some of the PJism. I no longer go down the haircare aisle in every store I go in "just too look" :rolleyes:. I hardly ever buy products that everyone is raving about like I used to.

"Oh, I found the BEST conditioner. My hair feels so strong. blah blah blah". I used to rush out and get one with the quickness. But, now, I just say to myself, "yeah just like the 6 others brands I have already that do the same thing."
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I think I'm a miracle searcher, because I'm still searching for that sweet spot combo of ingredients, results, and price.......and, as I learn more about what my hair wants/needs I change up what products I use. As my hair changes and gets healthier from the products I use, some things simply naturally fall by the wayside.

Do I still get caught up on the occasional bandwagon??? :sekret: We ain't gonna talk about how much sulfur I have in my cabinet, NOR will we speak on how many times I've actually USED the stuff. :ohwell: And, I've got a couple of other things stashed away that are just RIPE for a swap of some sort.... but in general, I think my product hopping is a hunt for a result, not a hunt just for the sake of hunting.... ;)
This is tough...on one hand we're trying to find the right products for the perfect hair balance. On the other hand, we hear slip, shine, bind and we go...:drunk:

I think when we 'jump on the bandwagon' it really is in an attempt to find that one, two, or tenth product that will help us retain, moisturize, strengthen and grow our hair.

The packaging, smell and overall appeal of the product just makes it more interesting and easier to take a seat on that wagon :grin:

This is what I tell my self, but I'm I really just using this as justification??? It is normal to have ALL the stuff I have? I try to clean out products and just start using some I even forgot I had and most of the stuff goes right back under the sink, in the drawers, cabinets and the millions of little cubby holes I have product stored and I STILL WANT TO BUY MO' STUFF
It seems like the longer I mess with this hair thing, the more (and less!) of a PJ I become. I'm a VERY specific PJ right now - my ears perk up at the words 'all-natural', 'homemade', 'moisturizing', and 'cheap'. That, to me, is the miracle hunter in me.

The part that perks up at the words 'growth enhancement'??? Oh, that homegirl is PURE PJ....:sekret: because in my heart of hearts, I KNOW what will make my hair grow, and I KNOW the likelihood of something else REALLLY working well is slim.....but ah, hope does spring eternal...
I'm a little of both.....always in search of the next best thing...I jump on and off of bandwagons......I'm addicted...I need help..I don't wanna be a PJ but I can't help myself....dh always says he's gonna move out if I buy one more product....I added an extra storage caddy to his side of the room for my stuff and told him if he leaves that'll be cool because I could use his closet space to put more stuff:drunk::spinning::spinning:
I'm a little of both.....always in search of the next best thing...I jump on and off of bandwagons......I'm addicted...I need help..I don't wanna be a PJ but I can't help myself....dh always says he's gonna move out if I buy one more product....I added an extra storage caddy to his side of the room for my stuff and told him if he leaves that'll be cool because I could use his closet space to put more stuff:drunk::spinning::spinning:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

You. Ain't. Right.

I so agree with the above.....The Indian products are really calling my name because I see the good results on others..But what I'm doing is really working.. my hair is healthy and my hair is really growing ....So I'm sticking with it ...But I'm starting to feel left out....

Same here. I've stayed out of those Indian threads because my simple regimen works fine but lately I have been wondering what all the fuss is about. :sekret:
I think you may just be a PJ. I dont think I jump on every regimen but some raves seem to good without me finding out for myself. . Anyhow I just love to shop. and hair products is one of the things I shop for. As long as you can pay your bills and have money for food and entertainment- I say why not???

Don't listen to her Diamond, she's an "Unrepentant PJ"! :rolleyes::lachen:

Seriously, I think it can veer back and forth - after hearing 1000 people rave about a product, you can't help but wonder if it really is that magical tonic that will cause 3 inches of ng in a month. And then sometimes you just get sucked in by packaging, good sales, and "compounded needs" (one product leads into a need for another).

Example: You buy a chi flat iron. Hmm, now you need a heat serum, cause the one you have at home isn't protective enough. Ok, now that you'll be flat ironing, you'll need a moisturizing DC and daily cream, cause the oils you have at home only soften and don't add moisture. Wait, after all that moisture, you'll need protein. Just to be safe, get a protein DC AND a protein based spray. And that OPI nail polish matches the chi flat iron. And it never ends! :lachen:
How do you manage to stay away from every product that they start to rave about on the board?

I really need one regimen that works for me but I keep jumping from one thing to another but I worry that I don't buy this or that, it may the one thing that help what ever problem I'm having at the moment.

I'm about to go hardcore on you. :armyhat: :ninja:Normally, I can barely make it a week without buying SOMETHING, anything. I'm fasting right now for spiritual reasons, but I voluntarily added fasting from shopping as well. It's tough, but it's forced me to look at (and use) what I already have.

If you are that big of a PJ, chances are you probably already have at least 1 of whatever possible type of product you will need to successfully maintain the health of your hair. Depending upon your habits, start slow and say don't shop for a week or two. If you make it give yourself a tiny reward, like one product you have been craving. I find that by waiting to buy, I can weed out the impulse purchases and buy only what I REALLY want. And I appreciate it and use it a whole lot more.

This is also helping me to identify my staples. :yep:
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I do find that some of the products fall by the wayside, (Mango butter, Surge, LUST, vaseline on the end of my bun, etc.) while others I hold on to and can't seem to do without depending on how I'm wearing my hair. Again it could just be justification cause it really can't be normal to have everything I have.

I can remember when I just had some oil sheen , a comb,a brush, some foam rollers and no hair.
I do find that some of the products fall by the wayside, (Mango butter, Surge, LUST, vaseline on the end of my bun, etc.) while others I hold on to and can't seem to do without depending on how I'm wearing my hair. Again it could just be justification cause it really can't be normal to have everything I have.

I can remember when I just had some oil sheen , a comb,a brush, some foam rollers and no hair.

:lachen: And see, at the root of it all, that's what's REAL.
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Im a recovering PJ, just like any addict I have to take it one day a time. It took me a while to find my staples and what methods my hair likes. But, every now and again I get an itch and I gotta try something new. :lachen:I dont think Im looking for that miracle product, because I LOVE my current products, Im just an addict!:look:
Im a recovering PJ, just like any addict I have to take it one day a time. It took me a while to find my staples and what methods my hair likes. But, every now and again I get an itch and I gotta try something new. :lachen:I dont think Im looking for that miracle product, because I LOVE my current products, Im just an addict!:look:

Yup:grin: PJ's unite! We could be doing other things with our money (nah- it gets in the way of shopping) LOL
Im a recovering PJ, just like any addict I have to take it one day a time. It took me a while to find my staples and what methods my hair likes. But, every now and again I get an itch and I gotta try something new. :lachen:I dont think Im looking for that miracle product, because I LOVE my current products, Im just an addict!:look:

Glad to hear you're recovering but what are some of your current products. I just want to see if I have them already. Maybe there is hope for me. I've managed to NOT buy Dominican Products and Indian Products. They're both calling out to be.

I've stop running to the Product aisle of Walgreen, Walmart, CVS and grocery store I go into. In fact, I try to avoid those aisles. Maybe I need a 12 step program.
My staples are:

WEN cleansing conditioners (lavender & tea tree)
WEN fig oil
Jessicurl too shea moisturizing conditioner
Jessicurl weekly moisturizing treatment
Ojon Revitalizing mist
Ojon Restorative Treatment
CHI silk infusion
Jane Carter Nourish & Shine
Jane Carter Hair Nourishing Cream
Castor Oil

I get excited just thinking about em!:grin:
BTW, I have to confess my pjism got the best of me today. I ordered some elucence conditioner today...because...ummm:look: well....ya'll gave it good reviews and U can never have too many conditioners. :lachen: