Minoval Plus - Good, the same better as Liquid Minoval


New Member
I bought one tub of this as I didn't know the ingredients and always thought well if I don't use it I could always sell it on the hair exchange board.

Now for the ladies that have used it or know anyone that has, is it as effective as the Minoval in the little glass bottle which I'm using and like so far. I'm a bit put off by the PJ in the product. The website didn't list the ingredients, but I thought if it works as well as the lotion then I'll test it out.

Here is a picture of it below, the ingredients are Petroleum Jelly, Microcrystalline wax, Lanolin, Glycerine, Nutrilan I, Mixture of Vegetable Oils: Avacado, Bergamont, Jasmine, Rose, Sweet Almond oil, DC Red #6, DC Yellow #11

I have the jar of Minoval grease (the white one), not the Minoval plus (red one), but I primarily use the Minoval lotion in the white bottle. I didn't recognize the active ingredient in the jar of grease, so I mixed half a bottle of the lotion into the grease.
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Thanks Yodie. How long have you used it ? How much growth are you getting ? No side effects ( I red somewhere that some ladies were getting facial hair with it ) ?
I saw results in 2 wks. Yes, I noticed growth where I let the solution drip. I don't let that happen anymore
I didn't see minoxodil listed as the active ingredient in the grease, unless I overlooked it.
I use the lotion twice a day on my edges and nape. I try to do it at least five times a week.
Yodie, could you please keep us updated on this? I'm thinking of using this for my hairline. I'm glad you're getting good results - and so fast!
I just started using Minoval for my temples, crown and edges. It has only been ab out a week so hopefully I can get some growth. I brought the drops but now I am wondering if I should buy the grease and mix it.
@Bronze, I'll definitely keep you posted. This really works well for my hair. I think I'll always use this on my edges and nape. I may start using it throughout my scalp after I finish using my MN.

@mzsophisticated, I love the lotion all by itself. I squirt a little in the lid of a jar, dab some on my fingers and apply. I'm about to pick up a few more bottles before I head back to the west coast.
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I have been able to find some Minoval lotion today in Paris. I am trhilled and will start applying in a few. The owner of the shop, an Haitien women, told me that the drop can be a bit drying for some persons. She recommended to mosturize with the Minoval grease, some huile maskriti ( which I got a small bottle) or some other moistrurizer.

I was wondering if anyone has ever used Minoval with OCT or Megatek ??
My twin friends used the pomade on their hairs a few years back. I can honeslty say that it's the longest I ever saw their hair. Although they had bad hair care, their hairs were growing really well. I remember combing one of their hair and I remember how much her hair grew. She told me that she uses "Minoval". I didn't think much of it because to me it was just some hair grease. Since they've stopped using it, their hair broke off because they don't know good hair care. I'm out of town now and I have some extensions installed but I cannot wait to get back home so I can purchase the liquid.
@Bellebebe, did your friends apply the pomade to their scalp, hair or both? The growth aid grease is very light. This is the one in the white jar. I'll apply grease to my scalp and use liquid separately.
@Bellebebe, did your friends apply the pomade to their scalp, hair or both? The growth aid grease is very light. This is the one in the white jar. I'll apply grease to my scalp and use liquid separately.

I believe she applied it to her scalp and her hair.
@Bellebebe - thanks.

People use Minoval to grow hair in sparse areas and to make their hair grow faster. So far I've been using it to grow sparse areas
I'm currently using the liquid mixed with evco. I don't put in that much in my mixture. I want more coconut oil than the liquid.

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