Minor Setback


The Credit Countess
My hair has been doing to good, in fact a friend of mine said to me the other day your hair is growing so nicely.

So my hair is growing and then my middle (my weak spot) just snapped off in the last couple of days). So last night when I did my wash and set I noticed how much is snapped off, not break but snapped I was trying to figure out what caused it.

I normally wear my hair roller set , my hair does much better with roller set than any thing else.

I realize that I can wear phonybun without the draw string without damange but for the last couple of weeks when I wore phonytails with the drawstring I think that I put too much stress on my weak spot and it caused my hair to snap.

So now I will baby that section and surge it and keep it moizurized. I was thinking about many doing 2 Co washes a week and one shampoo instead of 1 CO and 1 shampoo to keep it soft.

The good thing is that because of this board I was able to see the problem and hopefully found a solution, because before I would have not had know what to do.
I am glad you were able to remedy the problem. You also have to be careful with the tension in that section when you rollerset as well.
Thanks Kaddy,

I never though of that. I may be roll that section at all or maybe just looser than the rest of my hair.

I hope that I have found the remdy for the section and no more breaks.

I had the exact problem 6 months ago. I used to wear phonytails with the comb attachment and my hair broke terribly at my crown. I stopped using phonytails and started Surging everyday and now it my hair has grown back, but I am extra careful when styling my hair, a lot of things will snag and break your hair if you aren't careful.

I think your idea of adding an extra cowash may help, I am considering adding a cowash to my regimine as well.

Please keep us posted on your progress.