Ministry of Helps Staff -- Are They Salaried or Volunteers in Your Church?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
A co-workder friend and I were just talking about our weekend and in the course of talking about Sunday School, he shared that they pay the Sunday School staff a salary to teach the children.

I was surprised -- somewhat -- because I've always experienced any area of the Ministry of Helps as a volunteer position.

Although, I have a degree in teaching, I taught Sunday School for over 12 years and never expected a salary nor even wanted one. I love teaching children.

I've been 'associated' with many, many, many churches and to my knowledge, their Ministry of Helps has always been volunteered. From Cleaning, to Greeting, Ushering, Parking Attendants, Preparing the Sacraments, etc.

Does anyone receive a salary for the work they do in Ministry? I'm not speaking of administrative postitions which require daily work or a regular job. But during Church Services or special events?

Thanks for sharing. :giveheart:
At my last church, the choir director also known as the music minister receives a salary; as well as those who play instruments. I was surprised when I first heard about this but it seems to be the norm now in the modern day church.

However, I've never heard of Sunday school teachers getting paid. That's news to me.....
At my last church, the choir director also known as the music minister receives a salary; as well as those who play instruments. I was surprised when I first heard about this but it seems to be the norm now in the modern day church.

However, I've never heard of Sunday school teachers getting paid. That's news to me.....
Thanks Pink Pebbles ;)

In my first Church, the members of our band and the Choir director received a financial compensation, because they traveled a lot for the Ministry and it was to help defray the traveling expenses they incurred.

But the other Helps Ministry staff, did not/do not receive pay. It's too many and the Church doesn't have to funds to do so. I do remember my Pastors saying that each of us deserved to be paid for the excellent work we were doing.

I don't fault anyone who does get paid, but I was/am glad to be asked to be a part of the Ministry of Helps; it meant that we were entrusted and well able to carry out the work we were assigned to or accepted as a volunteer. We are the Ministries representatives. :yep:

It says alot about a Church even when the bathrooms are kept clean and santitized. It really does. :yep:

Blessings Lady P... :giveheart:
When I was the church secretary, I was salaried. Everything else (including the first lady's assistant/secretary), all volunteer.

The musicians get a salary but that's about it. Everybody else is on a volunteer basis.
When I was the church secretary, I was salaried. Everything else (including the first lady's assistant/secretary), all volunteer.

The musicians get a salary but that's about it. Everybody else is on a volunteer basis.
Thanks Foxy ;).

My of my sister/friends was also a salaried staff person; she was Pastor's Administrative Assistant, as did the Staff Accountant, Events Organizer, and other staff which worked 9-5 each day.

The Music Ministers get a salary because of travel.

As a teacher in our Ministry's Private School, I did receive a salary which was expected. But in Sunday School, it was as a volunteer. And even as a Volunteer, all of us still had to qualify for the positions. Even for cleaning, because it had to be done right. Not all who volunteer do the job; their heart is not really in it. :nono:
I believe the functions that require you to be at the church alot during the week are and should be salaried. Maintenance and administration for the most part.

However, my pastor does not collect a salary. We have a pastor love offering which members give to him at their will. He stepped out on faith with this one and he has been blessed beyond measure. The church pays for his house of course. He has 6 children and 5 are still at home with one grand at home as well.
I believe the functions that require you to be at the church alot during the week are and should be salaried. Maintenance and administration for the most part.

However, my pastor does not collect a salary. We have a pastor love offering which members give to him at their will. He stepped out on faith with this one and he has been blessed beyond measure. The church pays for his house of course. He has 6 children and 5 are still at home with one grand at home as well.
Thanks PrettyFace ... ;)

I'm happy for your Pastor. He has a mission and God is surely providing for his life.

I agree with the salaries being necessary for those who work full and part time at the Ministry. Folks still have lives to maintain. :yep:

One of my friends belongs to a Church that is only about 15 members strong; 8 years prior, they were only 6 members strong. Her Pastor does not receive a salary either.

Actually, he works to help maintain the Church's expenses. It's a miracle where God has allowed them to not only buy a new Church building, but they have maintained it for over 5 years.

Their Church is in a neighborhood where Ministry is badly needed and her Pastor will not leave. Two years ago, he was offered a large amount of money by a construction company who are still trying to convert the neighboring area. Her Pastor won't sell. He has outreach programs for that area and he's afraid of losing the people there. He wants to open a Day Care in the Church to help working mothers.

To keep in touch with the residents, each month they have movie night w/ food/snacks free to all who attend. They have other missions as well and the Church pays for it all.

Like your Pastor, when a man is called to a 'Mission', God will abundantly provide.
They pay the childcare workers but everyone else like Sunday school teacher, Missionette sponsors, Royal Ranger commandars are volunteers. When I say childcare I mean from birth to 3 years.
BTW: The pastors: Church pastor, Music / Associate pastor, Youth pastor, Christian Education teacher, Children's pastor. Actually our church operates more like a business from day to day.I guess when you have a church that operates on a million dollar budget it must operate like a business or it wouldn't exist.
BTW: The pastors: Church pastor, Music / Associate pastor, Youth pastor, Christian Education teacher, Children's pastor. Actually our church operates more like a business from day to day.I guess when you have a church that operates on a million dollar budget it must operate like a business or it wouldn't exist.

From an Accountant perspective I understand where you are coming from.

However, I've noticed that when my previous church started operating as a business and a corporation it strayed away from teaching salvation and the bible.
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Everything is volunteer at my church...and what I love is that we all pitch in even if we're not an official member of the auxiliary.
There are quite a few salaried positions at my church. They advertise on the back of our bulletin for salaried positions that are open. We have ministries which we are all apart of as a 'requirement of membership' and we have the ministry directors who are paid. We don't do Sunday School so there's no need for that but with our Education Ministry that teachers are salaried.
Ladies thank you so much for sharing here. I'm learning more than I thought would. :yep: :up:

In reading your responses, I've learned that it's really a matter of what the Church deems necessary to obtain and sustain a work of excellence in their Ministry for the better care of their members and visitors.

Early Child Care in Ministries does require those with not only experience with children but with proper training. I can understand why a Ministry would select someone with these credentials. They are vital, especially with young children.

I know that my teaching experience made a major difference with the care that I gave to the children in Sunday School. The parents loved the lessons as they were tailored to their learning level and the children were very excited to share with mom and dad what they were learning in 'their' Church. :yep:

But being trained also helps with the children's social adjustments with other children and it also helps see each child's potential, their gifts and how to utilize them for greater development.

I do agree that too much business in a Church can take away from it's purpose, which is Ministry number one... 101; from basic to well advanced.