Mini Update + Pics from Hurricane Ike


New Member
Well this is the beginning of my 3 month comparison pics. In the beginning of ike the wind was so strong it blew shingles off our house and water came down through the wood. we stayed up all night emptying buckets and pots full of water. My room and our game room got it the worst. In some rooms there was water coming out of the fans and lights. Some of our stuff got messed up but we were really lucky compared to other people on our street. There is Big screen Tv's, mattresses, and all types of stuff all over the sidewalks. We also were only without power for 4 funky nights with 2 flashlights but alot of people havent had power and wont until Oct. 20 (thats over a month!) Anywho like most naturals i was having those relaxer thoughts but i pushed them aside because i want to be the last Napp standing besides Iris, Chicoro, and YassyLane lol there is alot but i cant think of everyones name right now. but whatev i think everyone should do as they please it's just hair.. if you're natural and you want to relax..relax..if you're relaxed and want to go natural..go natural don't worry about what your friends and family would say or even people on this site. Its YOUR hair that you have to deal with! Thats the great thing about keeps growing!
Hurricane Ike messed hubby and I over, too. Good news: hubby and I are ok. Bad news: our apartment was destroyed.

My hair is suffering because I cannot deep condition with my dryer. It's still over at our apartment that we cannot live in.

FEMA finally contacted us today and our apartment complex is offering us another apartment in the complex. This is nice, but well overdue. We're blessed though. We could've been home when the ceiling collapsed. :perplexed

I can't wait until I can deep condition my hair to get it back right. It feels so dry and nothing is helping. I know it's because it needs a good deep conditioning treatment...or several.


Also, those MRE's were yummy. I was surprised at how good they were.
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Hurricane Ike messed hubby and I over, too. Good news: hubby and I are ok. Bad news: our apartment was destroyed.

My hair is suffering because I cannot deep condition with my dryer. It's still over at our apartment that we cannot live in.

FEMA finally contacted us today and our apartment complex is offering us another apartment in the complex. This is nice, but well overdue. We're blessed though. We could've been home when the ceiling collapsed. :perplexed

I can't wait until I can deep condition my hair to get it back right. It feels so dry and nothing is helping. I know it's because it needs a good deep conditioning treatment...or several.

Good thing you're getting another apartment!! Im glad you guy are ok =D. does your complex have power now?
Crazy enough, we had power the first day we went to check on the damages Ike had given. That was Sept. 15th. Sadly, we just couldn't live there. It was rough.

I know people were praying for us in the Christian Forum. I love that. :)
I'm sorry that you are experiencing this. My prayers go out to you and your family.
Wow! I'm glad that you and yours survived and sorry that you experienced so much damage.

Good luck and God bless!
Thank you all. It's nice to know my LHCF family cares.

Hey nicki, we need another Houston meetup. After Ike, we need some fun and happiness, right? :rolleyes:
Glad you ladies are okay! What's an MRE? Just curious. I hope things get back 2 normal sooner than later.
MRE = meal ready to eat. They are these neat packets of food that have a heating element in them. All you do is add water and it heats the food. They're from the military. I assume this is what they eat when they're away from civilization or something.

MRE = meal ready to eat. They are these neat packets of food that have a heating element in them. All you do is add water and it heats the food. They're from the military. I assume this is what they eat when they're away from civilization or something.

yeah we were suprised they taste so good and had so many different kinds. (chicken fajitas, vegetables and beef roast, and ect*)
I'm just glad You all are okay.
God will bring everything else back to you.
Hang in there. Your hair will be fine. Just do what you can. If possible...maybe cornrows, or something?

thank god you all didnt try to ride it out:nono:

im glad you all are ok
Thank you all so much. Things are looking up. I think hubby and I will be moving to another apartment within the same complex in the next few days, if all goes according to plan.