Mini Fotki Pics Update

Tai your hair looks great!! How long have you been transitioning? It looks like your natural hair is longer than the relaxed. :)
Thanks everyone. I appreciate all the nice comments.
I just past my one year hair anniversary on April 28th so I'm heading into year two. My hair is about 40% natural right now. The plan is to chop around this time next year. It's been awhile since I posted any wet pics so I figured it was time.
Tai, u have such BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!! I simply can not wait til ur "chop" thread pops up! :bouncy:

Seeing ur wavies reminds me when I was transitioning... ur doing such an AWESOME job with ur transitioning hair! :up: :clap:
Thanks again. My rollerset is proof that anyone can do one and have it turn out well. I have zero rollersetting skills.