Mini Chop Pics Posted!


New Member
Have a look and let me know what you think!! I am loving my cut. I miss my hair but I love my fullness more. I am excited to begin the new year with a fresh cut so that by the end of next year, I will have my previous length but with thick ends this time! I know it can happen.

I have been seeing the effects of the LHCF tips on my hair already and two of the major ones are preventing split ends all over and getting my problem area to grow split free (my front and sides).

I am just too excited to see what these tips will do on a head of freshly cut, healthy hair!
Your hair looks thick, healthy and silky! Looking good, Hairlove!
Wow! That's a chop, alright! I can't get enough of your hair pics, girl. When I'm in need of motivation, I look at your pics. Your hair is so beautiful it makes me want to cry. It definitely looks thicker and oh so LUSCIOUS!!! Amazing...

On a side note, it's kinda cool that I now have hair "almost" as long as Hairlove's, LOL
Hairlove, your hair always looks da bomb to me. And I can just imagine how it's gonna look in a year's time.
Keep up the good work.
Hairlove, your hair is ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!

Okay..........can you tell me (us), step by step, how you went about flat ironing/curling your hair in these pics? What products did you use?

Hairlove, I'm so happy for you, I think you definitely made the right choice. Even though its shorter, you'll be happier in the long-run with fuller, even and healthier hair. After I take my braids out, I want to follow in your footsteps.
Thanks everyone!

Shinyblackhair - I'm so glad that my pictures keep you going. I have my own personal inspirations of people's pics that I look at and they keep me going, too.

SweetPea - I had my hair professionally done by an Egyptian stylist in Chicago. My hair was washed by my old shampoo girl who practically ripped my hair out of my head while trying to detangle it. OMG...I did not like that...proved even more why I needed the cut. Then, my stylist knew I was planning on a trim and he couldn't even be bothered to start blowdrying. He grabbed the scissors and snipped off an inch immediately and then blowdried my hair. Then, he straightened it some with a curling iron. Then, I got my cut. After that, he proceeded to curl my hair. He didn't use many products. I only specifically remember a leave-in spray before the blowdry and then a sheen spray when he was all done.

Okay, if you're happy-then I'll be happy too

I miss your hair! But, I will console myself with thoughts like:

*She was going to eventually cut off the relaxed ends anyway since she's transitioning
*She's happy with it
*It DOES look pretty
*She's pretty so even if she was bald, she'd still look good...

Okay, I'm going to get a drink now.
--a hard one like Sprite with no ice
Awww Supergirl! You know, I look at your pictures and see those beautiful thick, healthy ends and I want that so much. Your hair is on my goal list! I will get it back but better this time!
So this is the hair fullness, you were tell us about back in July, that you were missing so much. We should have gotten a posse together back then and gave the Aveda relaxer stylist a beat down. We didn't fully understand that such a nice head of hair, even after the relaxer mishap, could look even better. Girrrrl, after seeing the new curled pic I totally feel what you were expressing back then. High have come full circle. Your hair is looking good!
As I have stated the other day, your pre-chop length will be back in no time. Hey, your progress pic prove that.

Continue to grow girl!
hairlove said:

SweetPea - I had my hair professionally done by an Egyptian stylist in Chicago. My hair was washed by my old shampoo girl who practically ripped my hair out of my head while trying to detangle it. OMG...I did not like that...proved even more why I needed the cut. Then, my stylist knew I was planning on a trim and he couldn't even be bothered to start blowdrying. He grabbed the scissors and snipped off an inch immediately and then blowdried my hair. Then, he straightened it some with a curling iron. Then, I got my cut. After that, he proceeded to curl my hair. He didn't use many products. I only specifically remember a leave-in spray before the blowdry and then a sheen spray when he was all done.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doh! Thanks for posting what your stylist did. I assumed you did it yourself, but I now recall that these pics are the same day as your cut. I'm trying to get pointers for straightening my hair because I'm thinking aboout wearing it out more next year, only if I can minimize damage and make it look tight.

Anyways, enough about me
. I just really admire your straight style and new 'do.
your hair does look a lot thicker now and just beautiful
. I love that curly hair must've been doing the hair toss all day with your hair looking like that
. Congratulations on your decision.

your hair looks amazing. it's very very healthy, forget about what they cut off. it will grow back in no time the way you take care of your hair:). last week i was struggling with myself cause i was thinking about getting a relaxer again:(. now that i'm transitioning i don't wear my hair straight and down anymore. maybe once every two months....because it's harder to keep it straight in the front...but then i do love my new growth too....i've been kinda slacking with oiling my hair and ends enough:( but anyway, enough about me, as i already said: your hair looks great girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shinyblackhair said:
Wow! That's a chop, alright! I can't get enough of your hair pics, girl. When I'm in need of motivation, I look at your pics. Your hair is so beautiful it makes me want to cry. It definitely looks thicker and oh so LUSCIOUS!!! Amazing...

On a side note, it's kinda cool that I now have hair "almost" as long as Hairlove's, LOL

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto! Very beautiful, hairlove!
Thanks everyone for your compliments!! I'm glad you all like the curly hairdo...I prefer that to the flatness also!

ChiChi - LOL about the Pantene ad!

Spagirl - thanks for the kind words. I "feel" so much better about my hair after this chop. Before I felt like I was just pretending with my hair but now I feel like it's really mine.

NAY! Now you know that your hair is my first hair goal! And now I'm going to reach it much sooner than I thought. I won't be all natural but I'm not going to worry about that just yet!

Have you had your stylist to straighten your hair? When I do it myself, the front always reverts back to waves in a couple of days. It's been about 3 days since my cut and my hair is still straight all over from the stylist doing it.

By the way, congrats on your 1 year transitioning mark! Don't relax again! You didn't come this far and struggle so hard to go back. Just think where you'll be in another year. I can't wait to get to the one year mark!

Your hair is beautifullll you hear me! I love the cut and it looks sooooo nice! I can't wait to see what your hair is going to look like all natural. I just love looking at your album. Your quite an inspiration!