mineral oil


New Member
After the success I have had with vaseline on the ends which is basically straight petroleum. I am beginning to reconsider mineral oil. I bought into all the no petroleum/mineral oil hysteria but now I think it is just hype. I did some research and couldnt find any actual facts that prove it is harmful to the hair/skin they are actually supposed to be the best emollients out there.
The companies that blast them are basically trying to sell their own more expensive products.
I am going thru tubs of natural oils like coconut when I could probably just slather baby oil on my hair while it is wet if all i'm doing is sealing in the moisture. As long aa you wash your hair frequently and keep your scalp clean it shouldnt make any difference right ? I dont use heat on my hair.
The problem IMO with black hair care has been the concept of dont wash your hair very often while slathering greasy products on it which causes build up and clogs the hair follicles and frying it up with curling irons and chemicals. Not mineral oil/petroleum.
Anyway, some other opinions on this would be appreciated:)

hair 3c
I never believed they were harmful. I just don't like greasy, oily feeling skin and hair. I have no problem using rinse-out products with petro or mo in them.

I recently started mixing a little Dabur Lite Amla Hair Oil with my curl activator. There are no ingredients on the bottle, but it probably has mo in it. But like you said--I'm washing/rinsing my hair more often so it's no big deal.
There was a thread a while back where many of us stated that mineral oil products worked just fine on our hair. Of course, that goes with one of our main board "rules" which is that what does or doesn't work for one may be totally different for another.

Me personally--I have no probs. with mineral oil products.
I agree with you to an extent. While I don't go around looking for products with petro./mineral oil, if I come across a product that someone's had success using, I try it and like it, than fine. I love Elasta QP Recovery, which has mineral. I still stick to natural oils like Extra Virgin olive oil and Wonder 8 oils though. I would never slather baby oil on my hair. I do use baby oil quite regularly on my body though. And I would only use petroleum (grease) on my ends, never in my hair or on my scalp.

So all in all, I would say don't be afraid to use a product with some (some not just) mineral oil, but keep the grease on your end only. And for locking in moisture stick to the natural oils.
I like coconut oil because it sinks in and won't leave my hair feeling greasy. But I really think the main key with mo is not using heat with it. Someone had a thread on how bad that is for hair. And yeah I read somewhere that the Dabur Amla oil has mineral oil in it.
i washed my mom's hair the other day and after i applied leave ins i put baby oil on her hair, blow dried and it looked really nice. i dont think it's that bad to use these products as long as you dont apply it directly to your scalp and if you wash often.