Mineral Oil


New Member
I see alot of posts talking about it being an ingredient in products. I use alot of Motions products and if my memory serves me correctly, the have mineral oil in them. What is the effect of it on your hair?
Mineral oil is liquified petrolatum (Vaseline). Supposedly it coats the hair, weighs it down, makes it greasy, keeps moisture out (making it feel even drier than before!) and clogs the hair follicles hindering hair growth. And it's hard to wash out with moisturizing shampoos.
My detangler--Sofn’free n’ Pretty Olive Oil Detangler Spray--has mineral oil in it (at the end of the ingredient list) and it works great. I use it every day. I'm still going to stay far away from petrolatum, but I'm rethinking the whole 'no mineral oil' thing. Maybe a 'hair grease' with mineral oil near the bottom of the ingredient list won't make my hair feel hard, dry and greasy or stunt my growth if I only use it once or twice a week...
This is Karonica's fault! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Ahhhh Lawd! /images/graemlins/grin.gif I told you. Hehehehee! You knew you wanted some greasy, greasy, grease!

Heheheee! Anywayz, I don't see all of the hype about those ingredients. People talk about the effects of that and SLS but SLS is in a lot of the soaps we use. Check out the ingredients. I do notice that some greases with petroleum dries out my scalp and not my hair. On the contrary, I have products to use for that itchy scalp (thank God for Profectiv). And thank God for Hollywood Berauty Castor Oil. Now I am equipped for hair growth. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Yah should see the little curly roots I woke up with this morning, no joke. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
"baby oil" is pure mineral oil, which I used to use on my skin. It would feel very soft and moisturised when I applied it, but a few hours later it felt like it had evaporated and my skin felt dry again. This has helped me conclude that mineral oil is not moisturiing and it doesn't absorb well. I think its useful for coating and sealing, but when I use products that have mineral oil or petroleum as the main ingredient, my hair ends up feeling coated and greasy and dull. Hence why I use non-petroleum based oils on my skin (shea butter) and hair (jojoba).
le sigh, i use mineral oil products. When i didn't take care of my hair, that mineral oil and petroleum left my hair a complete mess. I started to avoid these products like the plague!

Now that I know how to take care of my hair, I look at mineral oil and petroleum and laugh (u dont skurr me). I counteract the drying effect by adding evoo. I also alternate with products that don't have mineral oil in them
Like Sassygirl, I have a few hair care products (a couple of my Dominican rinses) that contain mineral oil. They haven't had any negative effects on my hair at all.
Never noticed any negative effects from using mineral oil, but then again I wasn't paying attention to ingredients up until a few months ago. That's when I stopped using products with mineral oil and petrolatum altogether. Read too much about those ingredients weighing hair down, clogging pores and keeping out moisture. Well, there are just too many "good" products that contain those ingredients and so tonight . . . I finally caved.

I bought some Pantene Relaxed and Natural Oil Cream Moisturizer to complement my use of Pantene's Wrap & Set Lotion which I bought earlier in the week. The first time I ever bought Pantene products.
Well, I must say that I LOVE both, even though the moisturizer contains those "bad" ingredients. I've just decided that something that smells that good, feels that good, makes my hair look that good CANNOT be all bad.