Mineral Oil & Parabens


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I know that this topic has probably been discussed many times but I never really read about them thoroughly. Can anyone tell me why mineral oil and parabens are bad for your hair?

I'm trying to stop using products with parabens, and I've already stopped using products with petrolatum & mineral oil. However, I liked using V05's moisture milks conditioner for conditioner washes, but yesterday I saw that it has parabens. I also use Lekair Cholesterol Plus as a deep conditioner, and that has both parabens & mineral oil.

If those ingredients are really bad for me, I don't want to keep using them, but I don't have money to order my all natural shampoo & conditioner, so I have to use them until then. So, in the process of waiting til I can buy those things, I wanted to know why they're so bad for you...
Have you checked the sticky at the top of the threads? It has some good info that may be helpful. I forget the name, but it's at the very top. I think it's "Health vs Hair" :)
Thanks ladies...I read the sticky at the top of the forum---I can't believe the things I've read. Afterwards, I went and checked all of my hair products and lo and behold! All of them had parabens! Even my beloved Surge, which is a staple of mine. My Lekair Cholesterol not only has mineral oil and parabens, but also has fragrances & colors that are bad for you.

I got so frustrated and upset because I don't want to keep using products that are not good for my body. That therefore means that I need to find all-natural products to replace them. That's not the problem for me---what it is is that buying products online is costly. Especially if I buy from different websites. ::Sigh::

I was thinking of buying the following:
1) Shampoo from MyHoneyChild.com
2) Conditioner and/or deep conditioner from MyHoneyChild.com
3) Leave-in conditioner (Greg Juice) from Oyinhandmade.com

Anyone use products from these sites that they'd recommend?
Can you go to a health food/farmer's market type store? That's where I get my natural products. If you want Carol's daughter minus shipping cost you can go to a sephora store.

Also, I have stopped using things that are bad for me but my beloved KeraCare Humecto has mineral oil in it and I still use it. I have tailored my regimine to include the all natural products as everyday moisture and things that are gonna stay on my dry hair all day. Things that will be rinsed out I don't mind a bad for me thing or two. Maybe you could try it that way to save $$ on the all natural stuff and still use the things you have until you can replace them?