Miller Lite Anyone?

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I was reading General Hair Care Tips and they said this;

<font color="blue"> Tip: For extra shine on long good condition hair, after shampooing add a little real ale to your rinse water as this will impart a surprising shine to your hair. Honest!

Has anyone ever heard this? I can just see my husband finding a beer in the fridge and me telling him "It's for my hair, Honest"
Its true. i actually used to use beer to set my hair. just put it in your spray bottle and spritz on like setting lotion. it makes it shine and have a fuller appearance. ive never used it as a rinse though.
Really! Did you mix it with water or used it straight? Does it matter what kind?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
NYCchild said:
Its true. i actually used to use beer to set my hair. just put it in your spray bottle and spritz on like setting lotion. it makes it shine and have a fuller appearance. ive never used it as a rinse though.

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So do you smell like you've been drinking when you do this???
I never smelt it nor did anyone say they did in my hair.
I guess it does have alcohol but it never dried my hair.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Mindymouse said:
I never drunk beer but is it alcohol in it?

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I don't either, but I would guess so.
"Everything old is new again." Back in the 60's beer was used to set the hair and it did give it body. I also remember using soup cans as rollers to just get a slight bend to the hair and not curl. And yes,lol,the cans were empty! I remember my Dad used to just look at me, roll his eyes and and look toward heaven and say "Help!"
My Mom also told me this hair story. When she was a teen she had her hair done in waves for a party she went to. I mean she had WAVES and was just too cute that night. Infact a guy at the party asked her to dance and she gave him a curt--- no. (I bet she didn't want to sweat out those waves!) Well, he said to her--"One more wave and you'll drown!'
So you know that in my family if you are looking good some one will say---"One more wave...."
my mom has been bugging me to use this in my hair-- she says a lot of people in the caribbean use it for hair. I think its kinda weird so i havent tried it but maybe i will someday.
I would think that the alcohol would evaporate... but you might be right about the drying. I've forgotten what percentage of beer is actually Ethanol. Its pretty low I know...something like 4-5% I think.
Ale...the darker the better and flat, flat, flat. It's all the silica in the beer.

What's the name of the shampoo and conditioner from Australia which uses a ton of beer? those are supposed to be great products, too! Have always wanted to try the leave-in conditioner...mmmm

I've used a beer shampoo bar which left my hair utterly incredibly silky...That beer association in Philadelphia PA seels them for like $8.00..huge bars.

<font color="orange"> soooo.....forgive me if this is a crazy question, but would ginger *ale* work quite the same way???

i probably won't be trying this but for those of you who dare, maybe using ginger ale could keep you from running around smelling like a wino....

just a thought
I have never heard of this but I checked the internet and found a little info to share:

"Rinse hair with beer to add shine and body. Once a month use a can of flat beer. After applying beer rinse, you can rinse off with warm, not hot, water. The beer acts as a natural setting lotion, giving blown dried hair increased vitality, resilience and hold. The vitamin B in it and natural sugar add the body and shine."

I am not sure why the author suggests to use the beer rinse and then rinse your hair again with warm water. Maybe they mean mix the beer with warm water and use that as a rinse???

The site had some other interesting tips that you ladies might like to read about -&gt; Natural Hair Rinses

Who ever tries the beer rinse, please let us know how your hair turned out. I might try it myself!
I did read from a magazine a while back that the stylist used beer as "cheap" setting lotion to roller set hair. The alcohol smell evaporates, and it doesn't linger on the hair. As for a rinse, never heard of it. Now, if someone could come up with an idea for a color rinse with red wine, that would be all right by me. lol
Flat, I'm glad yo said that, I was gonna try it but I was gonna do it straight up...

Do you mean open the can a let it sit for a day or two?