Do you ladies think I could keep my hair if I kept it in microbraids, but a lot bigger and with my own hair (not sure what they are called). I figure, maybe if I do box braids (or pixies or whatever they are called), every week or every other week, and cowash them every day I could maintain that for the 6 months. Wearing them in a bun of course.

you can do braids but whether it just with you hair or with extensions make sure its MOISTURIZED! I can't stress that enough. like another lady said in this thread too much oil based moisturized can start to burn especially if its mineral oil based. it get in upwards of about 126+ there. also with the braids you will have to watch the dust and sand. during a storm that stuff gets EVERY WHERE! and my EVERYTHING was dry gritty and dusty. i always had to clarify and deep condition after a dust storm. and thats AFTER. they can last longer than a week.

if anything you WILL learn to take care of you hair during the most difficult of times.

one of my other favorite moisturizer was conditioner. they sold a dove basic conditioner there and and i would seal it with shea butter or a serum.

i just......
i can't even......


okay, im done.
Before the BC it was the donut bun, now I just wear my TWA picked out or curly. I'll be putting some braids in soon and I'll be loosely bunning them. My friend was deployed and she got it braided not too long after she got over there (Balad) and when she came back her hair had gotten a little longer and she took care of her hair while it was braided so she had no issues when she got back and took them out.
I am in the army and I love your french roll I am gonna try it. I just use a clip and pin it up because my ponytail buns are causing breakage for me.

I wear my hair in a french roll bc it doesn't pull my edges and doesnt leave the ponytail dent in my hair. See pics

ETA: Excuse the buck shots i was transitioning lol
Do you ladies think I could keep my hair if I kept it in microbraids, but a lot bigger and with my own hair (not sure what they are called). I figure, maybe if I do box braids (or pixies or whatever they are called), every week or every other week, and cowash them every day I could maintain that for the 6 months. Wearing them in a bun of course.

Yes, I would do that, but make sure you have two different sizes of headgear:drunk:

I think two neat french braids going back with ends tucked neatly will be great, too.
While relaxed and transitioning i wore sock buns and pinned under braids. As a natural I wear wash and goes, slicked back puffs, and twists. Once I hit SL I'm going back to my beloved sock bun.
nice thread! I will be headed to boot camp soon...I'm going to try WEN only and Mega Tek rehidraynt spray as a moisturizer ( I hope they let me take it!) and maybe castor oil as a seal. What do you guys think? Do you think I'll be able to DC every now again I'm going to try and keep cornrows in the whole time. I'm going to try and learn how to redo them befor I leave,
nice thread! I will be headed to boot camp soon...I'm going to try WEN only and Mega Tek rehidraynt spray as a moisturizer ( I hope they let me take it!) and maybe castor oil as a seal. What do you guys think? Do you think I'll be able to DC every now again I'm going to try and keep cornrows in the whole time. I'm going to try and learn how to redo them befor I leave,

Dude ur not even gonna have time to THINK about a hair care regimen lol. I brought small bottles of my own stuff but bought the Pantene Relaxed and Natural poo/con/moisturizer set when we went to the mini mall and I bunned and moisturized my wet hair when we showered at night. It wasn't the best regimen but I was able to nurse my hair back to optimal health once I got to technical training in Mississippi, lots more me time when u get out of basic training.
I've been in for almost 20 yrs and the bun is the norm. The deal with the bun is that it CAN be stylish if you put care into it.

Maybe create a signature for yourself as far as how you part your hair and don't go changing hair dos every single minute.

Shoot, some folks are so raggedy about their hair that just having a neat bun is stylish and I'm being serious.

Stick with a nice bun and then go one step further accent your face with a touch of makeup. Clear mascara and lip gloss takes your bun go from being neat hair to a hair style.[/QUOTE]

This :yep:
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nice thread! I will be headed to boot camp soon...I'm going to try WEN only and Mega Tek rehidraynt spray as a moisturizer ( I hope they let me take it!) and maybe castor oil as a seal. What do you guys think? Do you think I'll be able to DC every now again I'm going to try and keep cornrows in the whole time. I'm going to try and learn how to redo them befor I leave,

I highly doubt that you'll be able to take enough care of your hair while in bootcamp. Once you are actually in ( home station, deployments) it's a different story because no ones breathing down your neck. But bootcamp wont allow it, at least from my experience in air force bootcamp 5 years ago lol...
bootcamp is a hard time to take care of your hair... i thought id be able to took small bottles of stuff but your gonna find you got more to focus on...

im still learning with my hair sometimes its doing so good then ill slip up and mess up right now i think ive got a good regi i cowash every morning after pt then i use a black head band and pull my hair in a bun.... lately ive been using the spin pins and i love them little to no breakage
lawd i'm scared my hair is gonna dry up and fall off in bootcamp if i can't at least cowash it everyday. ♥

You are not going to have time to cowash. Sundays are hairdays if you are lucky. On a positive note, I think it is a plus that you are natural. You'll see! And good luck to you. It's not that bad. The road leads to success. I've been in the Navy 13 years and I love it. My sister has been in 8 years.
lawd i'm scared my hair is gonna dry up and fall off in bootcamp if i can't at least cowash it everyday. ♥

Idk what branch you are joining but im Air Force and I wet my hair sometimes twice a day if it was a day we were allowed to shower twice. Even if I couldnt wash it like i wanted I at least let water run over it and quickly smoothed conditioner through it.
You are not going to have time to cowash. Sundays are hairdays if you are lucky. On a positive note, I think it is a plus that you are natural. You'll see! And good luck to you. It's not that bad. The road leads to success. I've been in the Navy 13 years and I love it. My sister has been in 8 years.

ih ope i'll be alright. i'm goin in the Navy too! how do you like it? can you pm me? ♥
i was army and when i was in basic i co-washed my hair every day except for the end when we were in the field.

also, they dont let you take too many prods to basic (nothing strong smelling). i would recommend a good cond that you can co-wash with and use as a leave in and some aloe vera gel. i threw out a lot of products at orientation cause i couldnt keep them (turns out they were bad prods any ways lol).

between that and my buns and occasional braids (when other girls werent too tired cause i couldnt braid back then), all the water, exercise and sun... my hair flourished!!!

less is better when in basic. if you bring any kind of butters (shea) have it already pre-whipped and do not add scents (like lavender) cause anything that smells good they will throw away because it can attract bugs during pt and other activities... at least that was the case in 2001... i dont know if things have changed lol
Idk what branch you are joining but im Air Force and I wet my hair sometimes twice a day if it was a day we were allowed to shower twice. Even if I couldnt wash it like i wanted I at least let water run over it and quickly smoothed conditioner through it.

ok, by co-washing daily this is what i meant lol.... it wasnt like a really long great shower.

although i learned that when the male drill sgt had the nite shift i could wake up in the middle of the nite and take a shower all by my self. and when they would go to yell at me i would say i had a "female accident *period" and they would walk away... but you have to be willing to sacrifice sleep for that lol