Mildly Protein Deep Conditioner?

Ladies, I recently clarified my hair and gave it a protein treatment b/c it was breaking after weeks of removing all protein from my regimen and doing moisturizing DCs . I used Joico K-Pac Intensive Penetrating Treatment. Since I did this my hair is like a whole new head of hair. I got a lot of compliments today for a style that I wear on the regular, my hair is strong, bouncy and well moisturized. Since I want to keep this effect going I have moisturizing conditioners for DC but I'd like to alternate my washes using a DC with mild to low protein...the K-pac was great but a little strong i think for regular uses...any suggestions?
Great! Looks like you are taking your hair care in the right direction. :up: :) I'm not familiar w/Joico b/c I've never used it. I don't know how strong it is. Egg yolk is a mild protein. I believe that Motions CPR is somewhat mild too.
How often do you wash?
I wash 2x a week - one time as a CO wash and the other as a shampoo wash. I DC everytime I wash. I just don't have any products with first when I had moisture problems protein was really drying and breaking off my hair.
You can use the egg yolk as a prepoo, shampoo, and then deep condition w/a moisturizing conditioner. :) I would do a stronger protein treatment after every three deep moisturizing treatments. I believe that's how the rule goes.
I would say either the ORS replenishing pak or the LeKair cholesterol cream. Both are very light protein but also super moisturizing. Also very inexpensive and easy to find anywhere.
Hold up! :stop: Lekair cholestrol is a very light protein? :scratchch I always just considered this a moisturizing deep conditioner.
I DC with Apoohge 2 min its very light and makes ur hair strong yet moisturized. I use heat with it for 15 mins.
Hold up! :stop: Lekair cholestrol is a very light protein? :scratchch I always just considered this a moisturizing deep conditioner.

My question...I just bought a cheapie tub of cholesterol conditioner for it protein? I'm horrible with ingredients :confused:
Try Motions Silk Protein Condiioner I think its a good balance between moisturizing conditioner and protein conditioner.
Pantene Fortifying Treatment
Pantene Relaxed and Natural Mask
Hair Mayonnaise (doesn't matter which brand) and molasses.
Or, plain Molasses, Honey, Wheat Germ and Olive oil mixed together. Don't heat the Wheat Germ... it will clog together and not mix well with the other ingredients

My question...I just bought a cheapie tub of cholesterol conditioner for it protein? I'm horrible with ingredients :confused:

Technically speaking it is a mild protein but remember the degree of protein strength is also relative to YOUR hair.

ORS replenishing pack is technically mild protein conditioner but for me it is super moisturizing so I use it as a moisturizing conditioner. I am mindful to the fact that it is slowly strengthing my hair so that a stronger protein, lets say 3-4 weeks later probably won't be needed.

Cholesterols for me are more moisturizing than not so that is how I use them. If your hair is being moisturized from the cholesterols you use then keep doing it that way. Just know that if you feel you need protein at some point, you might not need as much as you might orginally think.