Mike Tyson on Oprah - Prayer Request


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies.

I tivo'd Mike Tyson on Oprah. I could hardly watch the entire interview without fast forwarding it. His spirit seems so broken. He seems so lost and without peace. There seems to be so much residue in his spirit. My heart was hurting as I watched this interview. I can't judge him because I haven't lived his life, BUT I can pray. Knowing Christ is life! I don't know if Mike knows Jesus as his personal savior. He didn't say that. He did say that he turned away from God when he went to prison.

Please, please lift him up in prayer during your day. Pray that God would send a labor of the harvest into Mike's life. Seems like Mike is taking a turn for the better, but he needs the intimate fellowship of Jesus Christ. Pray as your lead. Mike did say that all he wants is to be a better person. Jesus, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit can do it.

Ladies, please pray for him.
Thank you.
Hi ladies.

I tivo'd Mike Tyson on Oprah. I could hardly watch the entire interview without fast forwarding it. His spirit seems so broken. He seems so lost and without peace. There seems to be so much residue in his spirit. My heart was hurting as I watched this interview. I can't judge him because I haven't lived his life, BUT I can pray. Knowing Christ is life! I don't know if Mike knows Jesus as his personal savior. He didn't say that. He did say that he turned away from God when he went to prison.

Please, please lift him up in prayer during your day. Pray that God would send a labor of the harvest into Mike's life. Seems like Mike is taking a turn for the better, but he needs the intimate fellowship of Jesus Christ. Pray as your lead. Mike did say that all he wants is to be a better person. Jesus, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit can do it.

Ladies, please pray for him.
Thank you.
Yodie you have a heart just like Jesus. Only you would love Mike Tyson and I am truly humbled. God had an 'angel' on guard for Mike. I believe you are the fruit of his grandmothers prayers.

Mike was taken in by brothers from the NOI (Nation of Islam). They rallied around him and got him released. That's basically what happened.

I respect that they reached out to him for at the time, it appeared that he changed. Yet, Jesus is calling him and he is yielding to that call. You came along to pray him there and to gather the prayers of others to surround him.

Father God, Mike Tyson belongs to you and I thank you for bringing him unto yourself, because you love him and he's lost and I praise you for being found of him with all of his heart and will be lost nor without you, no more.

Father thank you for this man's life and for others like him, who are lost and need you to bring them out of darkness and into your loving light. They each will yield without a struggle, without a fight. They will find all that they've ever wanted in this life, all in you.

Thank you, Father God. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen and Amen. :love2:
I stand in agreement with you and all the other prayers said on Mike's behalf and others who need to find their way 'home'. In Jesus' name, AMEN!!

The word says, "if two of you agree as touching..." We don't have to physically touch - just agree! Praise God.

Everyone has redeemable and loving qualities. Mike was misguided from birth. Had my mom not raised me to know and fear (reverence) Jesus, I could've gone so many different paths. I think God has given me a burden for this man. I've NEVER not been able to look at any of the guests on Oprah's show. There was something different about this one. My heart bled. I won't knock him or put him down. I'll pray!
Mike is a celebrity and I don't know him.

But I do believe in praying for people we don't know. There are celebs out there who are going through life, like we are, and I always smile when I see others keep them lifted in prayer. It's not stupid or silly to pray for a celebrity.

I don't watch Oprah, but I'll keep Mike lifted in prayer. My heart went out to him when his daughter died and I would think he's still hurting. I pray for his deliverance from depression, from sadness and stand in agreement with others here because God loves him and so should we. I also pray that God will repel from Mike's life people who are agents from Satan, out to steal, devour and destroy. In Jesus' name, :Rose:
Wow Yodie, I felt the same exact way when I was flipping
through the channels and saw him speaking to Oprah. The
first thought that went through my mind was how hurt he
looked and sounded. It was unbearable to sit and watch it.
It's also sad to know that Oprah always has a back end
agenda somewhat to the things she does on her show that's
not always genuine... and I am referring to viewings and ratings
and stuff like that.

But I will also keep him in my prayers.