Might have been a NIKOS' COUSIN sighting :)


New Member
I feel like I need to share this. I was at work yesterday [I work at CVS Pharmacy I'm an intern] and this woman came in to pick up her prescription and the had the most beautiful natural 4a type hair..now mind you I am relaxed but I was like :droolings!! It was so beautiful I wanted to ask her if she was nikos' cousin but I didn't work up the nerve. I just told her that I loved her natural hair and I wish I had the guts to go natural. Has this ever happened to you guys before?
Yes. :yep: I'm still convinced a few members of my church might be Niko's cousins. But I've never asked them. The one time I asked someone if they were Niko's cousin, she wasn't.
Just a term for a lhcf member without asking them outright are you on lhcf? are you niko's cousin? If someone says no you just move on. THe other one might elicit a lot of questions, etc
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Just a term for a lhcf member without asking them outright are you on lhcf? are you niko's cousin? If someone says no you just move on. THe other one one might elicit a lot or questions, etc

And the name Nikos comes from the guy who help maintain the site, Nikos Dimopoulos. If you scroll to the very bottom of the page you'll see his name. ;)
There's a lady that works at my bank that always wear protective styles. Last week she had her hair down and she had the most beautiful healthy long hair! I've been wanting to ask her for a while but I've never had the chance to.
There's a lady that goes to my congregation that has beautiful natural hair. She's really into natural products like Aubrey Organics and uses essential oils. We were engaging in a conversation about hair and she began mentioning things like coconut juice and aloe vera juice. So I just blantently asked her "You on LHCF?" cuz she was talkin' a little bit too right. Turns out she's not but she said she'd check it out. Maybe she'll become a new recruit :grin:.
There's a lady that comes to my congregation every so often that looks like her hair is always fresh out the salon. It looks so healthy,long, thick and even all the way around. I really want to ask her if she's Nikos cousin but I haven't seen her in awhile so maybe when I see her again I'll ask.
There's a lady who works with me and she's al natural... her hair is to die for... I wanna ask so bad...... I said I was going to start a coversation and slip Niko's cousin in there somewhere.... I'm working on it..
Yes. :yep: I'm still convinced a few members of my church might be Niko's cousins. But I've never asked them. The one time I asked someone if they were Niko's cousin, she wasn't.

me tooooo, we have had a rash of people either doing BC's or just having great and healthy relaxed hair. we need some type of signet pin or something. lol
Today on the red line (subway) going towards Cambridge I saw a woman with the most beautiful natural hair. She was talking to an older woman. I wanted to ask her if she was Niko's cousin but never got the chance. Whenever I see a woman of color with long gorgeous hair it always gets my attention. Now that I'm a member here I wanna work up the nerve to ask the question, but I don't wanna seem stalkerish LOL
Today on the red line (subway) going towards Cambridge I saw a woman with the most beautiful natural hair. She was talking to an older woman. I wanted to ask her if she was Niko's cousin but never got the chance. Whenever I see a woman of color with long gorgeous hair it always gets my attention. Now that I'm a member here I wanna work up the nerve to ask the question, but I don't wanna seem stalkerish LOL

LOL Thats how I felt too! I think we should have a secret code or pin or somthing..everyone I see with beautiful hair I just know is a member on here or atleast lurks on the board...lol Imma find yall!! :sekret:
When I lived in NY, I did my clinicals at a hospital in Brooklyn and there was this young lady that worked in dietary that had the prettiest, shiniest, thickest, fullest, perfectest 3c/ 4a hair EVER. I used to just stare, never got the courage to ask. Her hair was about bsl unstretched...I'm getting chills just thinking about it, lol.
When I lived in NY, I did my clinicals at a hospital in Brooklyn and there was this young lady that worked in dietary that had the prettiest, shiniest, thickest, fullest, perfectest 3c/ 4a hair EVER. I used to just stare, never got the courage to ask. Her hair was about bsl unstretched...I'm getting chills just thinking about it, lol.

That's hilarious. :lachen: That must have been some seriously pretty hair.
I can almost guarantee that no one here is Niko's cousin. It's sad because I sure do wish I could have found some family while here.

We'll be back in the US as of Saturday, June 13th 2009...I'm sure I will see a cousin in Wal Mart or the local BSS soon....

Niko's Cousin, cj
When I lived in NY, I did my clinicals at a hospital in Brooklyn and there was this young lady that worked in dietary that had the prettiest, shiniest, thickest, fullest, perfectest 3c/ 4a hair EVER. I used to just stare, never got the courage to ask. Her hair was about bsl unstretched...I'm getting chills just thinking about it, lol.

That probably had a lot to do with her diet. Wow - they need to publicize things like that. Maybe we could get some t shirts made up?....