Mid-shaft breakage info


Well-Known Member
I just did some research on mid-shaft breakage that's recently begun plaguing me, and I learned something new I think is good for all of us struggling with breakage to know and to look for:

Trichhorrhexis nodosa is a defect in the hair shaft characterized by thickening or weak points (nodes) that cause the hair to break off easily. This group of conditions contributes to the appearance of hair loss, lack of growth, and damaged-looking hair.

Trichorrhexis may have a genetic basis but appears to be triggered by environmental factors. Among African-Americans, the hair may appear not to grow, but microscopic examination shows that the hair shafts have nodes or swellings near the scalp that break easily. The hair actually grows but is broken before it can become long. Among whites, the defect often appears at the ends of the hair shaft with splitting of the ends, thinning and whitish discoloration.

These conditions are directly related to environmental causes such as "perming", blow-drying, aggressive brushing, and excessive chemical exposure.

In some cases, trichorrhexis nodosa may be caused be an underlying disorder such as argininosuccinicaciduria, Menkes' kinky hair syndrome, Netherton's syndrome, hypothyroidism, or trichothiodystrophy.

Hair appears not to grow
Hair appears patchy
Hair breaks easily close to scalp
Hair has thickenings or nodes in the shaft
Ends of hair are thinned or split
Hair tips have whitish discoloration
Hair breaks easily at tips



This is exactly what I've been dealing with; until now I couldn't understand what was causing it. The strands JUST at the front of my hair seem thickened, with weak points that are white where the breakage weakening is. I have these white stress breaks all along individual strands of hair--4 or 5 in many cases, and can pop off the hairs very easily with a gentle tug. I have not always had this condition and thought it was just age, because my hair practices are very gentle and haven't changed. The rest of my hair is in great condition.

What a relief to know this is reversible (I thought it was related to some thinning I'm experiencing)! There's lots of good info online about this condition and how to mediate it; I hope this helps someone else who's dealing with mid-shaft breakage.

Meanwhile, I'm gonna get some bangs cut and start working on repairing the damage. :)
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Thank you so much for this Blu217. I just had an aaahh haaa moment. I have been noticing this lately in my hair as well. I have the thickening and thining going on in my individual strands and had attributed it to damage from relaxing. I do suffer from hypothyroidism and have been having some issue lately in regulating it. At least now I know that it's not something I've been doing wrong. I have been getting discouraged. I'm going to check out the links you included. Thanks for looking out for your LHCF ladies!