Mid-relaxer protein step:does anyone here not do this


Well-Known Member
At the end of my 6 month stretch, I plan on letting a new stylist do my hair. Did any of you find it difficult to ask your stylist to do this for you? I am an extremely shy person and any advice on how to 'ask properly' is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
At the end of my 6 month stretch, I plan on letting a new stylist do my hair. Did any of you find it difficult to ask your stylist to do this for you? I am an extremely shy person and any advice on how to 'ask properly' is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Tishee! Couple of things I see going on here :grin: First, it is YOUR hair and YOUR money. You need to speak up to control the situation. I understand shyness, but wouldn't you speak up if she left the relaxer in your hair and went to lunch? You can explain to her that it is your preference that she do this step. What I would do if I was you is read SistaSlick's articles on the topic so you will be prepared to explain to the stylist WHY you feel this step is important. Your stylist might be someone who has never heard of it, or has read that it's not a good thing to do, so know your stuff - and stand firm on it.

Second, you said this is a new stylist. Have you been to her for non-chemical services, or at least interviewed her? Personally, I would be reluctant with 6 months of NG to "meet" a new stylist and her holding chemicals in her hand that could take ALL my hair off. If you talk with her in advance, maybe over the phone if you're more comfortable, you can have the "protein" conversation prior to getting there for your appointment. I think one reason some stylists are negative about client requests might be they haven't built that extra time into their schedule. So -- if she knows in advance, she can plan her time accordingly, as well as have an appropriate protein product on hand.

Good luck to you and congrats on the long stretch!!
Hi Tishee! Couple of things I see going on here :grin: First, it is YOUR hair and YOUR money. You need to speak up to control the situation. I understand shyness, but wouldn't you speak up if she left the relaxer in your hair and went to lunch? You can explain to her that it is your preference that she do this step. What I would do if I was you is read SistaSlick's articles on the topic so you will be prepared to explain to the stylist WHY you feel this step is important. Your stylist might be someone who has never heard of it, or has read that it's not a good thing to do, so know your stuff - and stand firm on it.

Second, you said this is a new stylist. Have you been to her for non-chemical services, or at least interviewed her? Personally, I would be reluctant with 6 months of NG to "meet" a new stylist and her holding chemicals in her hand that could take ALL my hair off. If you talk with her in advance, maybe over the phone if you're more comfortable, you can have the "protein" conversation prior to getting there for your appointment. I think one reason some stylists are negative about client requests might be they haven't built that extra time into their schedule. So -- if she knows in advance, she can plan her time accordingly, as well as have an appropriate protein product on hand.

Good luck to you and congrats on the long stretch!!

Thank you so, so much for your response. I am going to call her for a consultation appt. when it gets closer to the end of stretch and hopefully everything will go smooth. Now that I type this, I am going to go to her for a wash and set to see how she does hair and to get a feel for her and ask my questions regarding the mid protein step then. Again, thank you for your response.
Congratulations on that stretch! Be wary of that stylist, though.

To answer your question, I self-relax but I don't do the mid-relaxer protein step.
Thank you so, so much for your response. I am going to call her for a consultation appt. when it gets closer to the end of stretch and hopefully everything will go smooth. Now that I type this, I am going to go to her for a wash and set to see how she does hair and to get a feel for her and ask my questions regarding the mid protein step then. Again, thank you for your response.

Hi Tishee - Soulie hit the nail on the head - and if I may add - write down your questions and take them with you. Make sure that she shows/tells you everything that she will be using on your hair.
Wow thats great. 6 months. I'm trying to make 3 months for the first time. I do the mid protein step. I self relax. The ladies here has good advice for you. I'm not as shy as you, I think I would just ask if that is the procedure they use, and if not can they do it. I hope thats not to forward
Hi there,

Thanks for your response. Do you mind me asking why you don't use the mid-relaxer protein step?


I don't mind at all.:grin: I don't take that extra step because 1.) My hair tends to be protein-sensitive. I pretty much got my protein schedule down, and don't really want to toy with it just yet. The DC I use on my relaxer day is a light protein too. 2.) I don't want to mess with my self-relaxing process yet either, until I get to pro

Both of those reasons are REALLY weak, because my reasons are really based off of my own laziness. :lachen: I probably will try it in the future though.
Ask your new stylist what relaxer system does she use and ask if it comes with a mid step protein treatment. If she tells you it doesn't, then ask her if any other relaxers that she uses comes with that step. If she tells you know, then say thank you and cancel your appointment and find another stylist that does that step.

Now, when I get a relaxer, whether I do them myself or get somebody to do them for me, I have this step added and the next time I do a shampoo, I use a reconstructor so it still adds a mild protein to my hair anyway.
Ask your new stylist what relaxer system does she use and ask if it comes with a mid step protein treatment. If she tells you it doesn't, then ask her if any other relaxers that she uses comes with that step. If she tells you know, then say thank you and cancel your appointment and find another stylist that does that step.

Now, when I get a relaxer, whether I do them myself or get somebody to do them for me, I have this step added and the next time I do a shampoo, I use a reconstructor so it still adds a mild protein to my hair anyway.

I wouldn't rule out a type of relaxer simply because it doesn't come with a mid-step protein. A lot of stylists don't stick with the product line anyway; a good stylist shouldn't be thrown by including a step that isn't included in the product line.