Microbraids...Love 'Em or Hate 'Em?


New Member
Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

I have been toying with the idea of getting microbraids. Has anyone had a good or bad experience with them? Some people say it makes their hair thin while others say they got good growth with them. What is your experience? And what is your opinion on someone getting them to help obtain hair growth?
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

I have them in right now i try to do a 3 month break between. It has grown my hair a lot because when my hair is in micros and i'm taking all my vitamins and not toying with my hair it grows pretty fast. As far as hair thinning i'm not sure, i do find that a scary amount of hair comes out when i'm taking out my microbraids but then i try to think of it as all the hair that would have shed if i were combing my hair daily...hopefully. But my hair is always thicker, i think due in part to the vitamins.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

i think microbraids tend to thin the hairline of the head since so little stands are being held into one braid, putting strain on the hair...Especially if it is tight it may pull out the strands and make it seems as if it is shedding (unnecessarily)

My opinion im not a braid wearer but that is how i see it
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

My experience with micro braids was negative. The lady put the braids in entirely to tight! She must have used to much weave hair and to little of my hair along the hairline because on the sides my hair fell out braid and all
I was so upset (it has all grown back though) So if you must get micro braids I would say to make sure you know the person who will be doing them.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

Personally, I would never get them. My friend just took hers out (had 'em in for 2 months), and she said she had so many knots, and she's never gotten them before with braids. I also hear that they can stress the edges of your hair. But I'm sure there are people that they work for.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

Hate them with flaming passion
No matter how careful the braider would be with my hairline they still break. Also i won't wash my hair for 1-2months
because i didn't want my braids slipping out. I cleansed my scalp with witch hazel but it was never good enough
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

I love them and getting them this weekend. I think you have to get a good braider. Also, sometimes people think they can either get braids and do nothing or get braids and pile on the pink oil etc and then of course they end up with clumped hair or knots. I grew my hair from 2-4 inches to shoulder length in a year when I was in high school. Since then I have pretty consistently worn braids every winter, and always take them out carefully. I've had nothing but good results with them.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

hey cbj...i have had them every year since i can remember...i would agree and say one has to be very careful with the hairline..because they do affect that area but if you pay close attention to keeping your hair line moisturized you should be fine..like you they have grown my hair and made it thick beyond belief so i am in favor of braids in general...question are you getting them done at destiny...?
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

well everybody that i've witnessed has not had good results. Either they grow their hair long but have a receding hairline, or they still have a hairline and the rest of the hair broke off from leaving them in too long...i dunno. i wanted them at first but now ill just get medium braids and call it a day.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

I have had good and bad experience with micro braids.
Before joining this board whenever I wore micro braids
I didn't really take care of my braids and keeping my
hair moisturized and had a lot of breakage.
I think the key is not to have your hair braided too
tight and keep hair moisturized as much as possible.
When ever I get microbraid I always do a protein
treatment and make sure my hair is in condition before
getting my hair braided.
When I started doing a protein treatment before braiding my
hair and making sure my hair was in good condition before
doing braids I had no problems with my hair breaking off and
had real good hair growth.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

Hey Ladybug
I get them done about 4 blocks away at Kay and Oneika. Does the lady in the front do your braids? I know that she tends to braid for a really good price.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

Hated 'em.

They thinned my edges more than any other braids I've had. If you're scared of the thinning, I'd suggest getting larger braids and making sure the braider doesn't put too much of the braid hair on too little of your own hair. Even though you won't get the same look as micros, you'll still get the benefits of the braids themselves (i.e. protective styles, no manipulation).
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

The first microbraids that I had were great not to tight and not to small. The second set resulted in breakage and thin spots.
Re: Microbraids...Love \'Em or Hate \'Em?

BAD EXPERIENCE!!! I asked the lady not to put them in too tight I kept saying that's too tight. I had her to loosen some of them and I didn't leave them in a month. Actually I started taking the ones around my hair line down when I left her shop.

I rinsed my braids almost daily and sprayed them daily to keep them moistured but my hair still broke off when the braids came out.

They were just not for me

the consensus seems to be negative, does anyone think the experience can be more positive if done by yourself? I ask that because no one knows your hair like you do...
I love the way they look, but they are a pain to remove and take too long to get them done. Wearing them too much can kill your edges, as well.
I adore them, but my hair has never been able to take them, no matter how much I maintain them. When I make it to natural, I can't wait to wear micro's with no fear!
I love micros!!! Since joing the LHCF I realized what works for others may not work for you(vice/versa). Also when you find what works for you stick with it ( even though others say it did not work for them or it is bad to do). Now with that said. I enjoy micros. You cannot get them braided to tight around the hairline. Make sure you do not use any product that will cause excessive build up (thick grease or pomades). Moisturize Moisturize MOSITURIZE!!!! with a braid sheen spray/Sta SOf Fro etc. Shampoo braids with braid shampoo or diluted shampoo in a spray bottle. Rinse shampoo completed in shower with hair braided in huge plaits so individual braids do not get to heavy and remember to use a leave in conditoner not a regular one. This has work for me. Remember to treat your hair like precious silk(gently with care). Micros do take time to put in therefore, they will take time to remove. Remove them gently... Take your TIME!!!! Love your braids & they will love you back .Hope this helps!!!!:)
i love them but i never get them small and tiny..mine are usually what probably would be viewed as being a medium size..but there is about i would say 200 to 250 braids in my hair...when i get them done...
I always get great growth and minimal shedding when I do them myself this is due to the fact that I dont do them very small, and I dont pull me edges tight.

The professionals are more worried about getting them tight as hell and not about hair health. I got them "professionally done" at an african shop once and .....my hair thinned so bad that I had to eventually get it cut super short and shaved in the back. I swore to never get it done at the shop again!!!!!!

There are also other alternatives to getting a full head of micros. Have you considered doing micros around the perimeter and getting a sew-in in the top and middle?
I love them on OTHER PEOPLE. Personally, I would NEVER put them in my hair. Cornrows take my hair out so I can't imagine what micros would do.
I've never lost my edges due to microbraids, I had them in twice, but I am super scared to get them professionally done again because they are always too tight.
I think I only noticed edge damage when I got the braids over and over again without a break in between for about 6 months. I did get a touch up around the edges every 2 weeks or so, but I am still trying to repair the damage that was done over time.
Microbraids look nice, apart from that, I don't have anything else good to say about them. They pull out your hair whether it's the front, sides or whatever. I personally wouldn't recommend them.....If you want the braided look, it's better to get the bigger braids, and best not to leave them in too long....from my experience of wearing braids, that's my advice.
i would never get microbraids. they can look great, but they will rip my edges out. if theyre done too loose they'll just fall out anyway.
I love wearing micros, but I HATE taking them down. I get good growth and since I don't make them put it in too tight, my edges stay right. However, I have lost some of my edges to cornrows. So I guess the basic rule is don't do your hair too tight (whether you add hair or not).
I hate them. I had them last winter and had one braid come out from my scalp. :eek:
I had to take out the braids all around my edges and tried to redo them myself. They were just too little and too tight. Never again :nono: