Micro braids thinned hair any suggestions to regain thickness


New Member
I had almost bra strap length hair. I got micro braids and they thinned my hair real bad. I had to cut it back to a little above shoulder. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can thicken my hair back up:(
i can see how they can thin out your edges, but how did they out the rest....i wore them 2x last year (before i found the boards) and my hair didnt thin out, but then again I am natural.....

but if you said the braids thinned out your hair, then you cut it....isnt it full again from that major cut???
Sometimes braids can thin out the hair because the relaxed hair cannot take the extra weight and it breaks off when you take the braids out. I got braids once and that is what happened. I also had problems with my ends too.
Nioxin Follicle Booster and ORS Temple Balm revived my edges and filled my hairline in very nicely!!

MTG, daily scalp massages, pre-poo and CO a few times more than you usually do should help thicken your hair overall as well. Sorry this happened to you. It happened to me too before I found the boards from micros. Now when I braids, I get 1/2 inch thick med. braids.
Justicewifey said:
Nioxin Follicle Booster and ORS Temple Balm revived my edges and filled my hairline in very nicely!!

MTG, daily scalp massages, pre-poo and CO a few times more than you usually do should help thicken your hair overall as well. Sorry this happened to you. It happened to me too before I found the boards from micros. Now when I braids, I get 1/2 inch thick med. braids.

Ditto to what she said, but now I don't think I will ever get braids since I found this site... no need to get braids....

It will take time to condition and re-grow your hair, just like I'm doing... if you get braids again, you run the risk of pulling hair out your head....trust me I know!
AtlantaJJ said:
Ditto to what she said, but now I don't think I will ever get braids since I found this site... no need to get braids....

It will take time to condition and re-grow your hair, just like I'm doing... if you get braids again, you run the risk of pulling hair out your head....trust me I know!

Yeah you are very right AtlantaJJ. I only get braids once a year and that's in Dec. My hair responds well to it when it's nice and cold and that's when I use the S-Curl the most (plus MTG). Plus my CO wash is with the conditioner and water in a bottle mixed together. My hair really thanks me during this cold month so it's really more like a treat more than anything else. But I cringe at the thought of micros :(
I recently took braids out myself, and my edges definitely thinned out. I also lost a LOT of hair during the relaxer/wash because i didnt comb my hair out as thoroughly as i should. Anyway.... for my edges, i'll be using MTG and M.N., and i started taking Biotin about a month ago, which has definitely helped to thicken up the strands overall.

Other than that, i'll be continuing to "baby" my hair, ie, wearing protective styles daily, wash/deep conditioning weekly, and combing ONLY once per week.

I expect that my hair should graduallly thicken back up without a problem. :) BUT.... no more braids for me for a looong while!