

New Member
I saw this in the local pharmacy it is $13 and came with 1 tube of 4% MN and 2 tubes of 2% MN. I was thinking of buying and using after my touchup this weekend (Breaking my stretch at 9 weeks to see benefits of MN). I was thinking of applying the 4% directly (may use the 2%) rotating every other day with a mix of [natures blessing, MN (2% OR 4% not sure which one to use any tips?), and some BT. I just posted because I have always been looking for a box that said MN and I saw the Miconozole 7 and 3 were MN with a name.:drunk: So for any ladies searching for MN I hope that helped
I'm not sure if you're wanting to use a generic product but Walmart has the 4% MN generic version for about $8.00.
Do you live near a Family Dollar? They have a generic brand of miconazole nitrate (2%) in a pretty large 1.59 0z tube for about $5.