I tried the rhassoul and bentonite mix tonite. I used 4 tbsp. of rhassoul and 2 tbsp. of bentonite 3/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of acv. I was hoping mixing in the bentonite would make the rhassoul clay go further. Unfortunately it seems when I mixed the two the mix became thinner and so it didn't go as far
I definitely wasn't expecting that.
Despite that I liked the mix. It was easy to detangle my hair with it and I had really great definition with the clay in. When I rinsed my hair was soft and I was able to let it dry loose with no issue. Even without oils or honey, the mix was moisturizing.
I'm going to try a 50/50 mix next week to see if I can get the mix a little thicker. Unfortunately I'm not sure when my bentonite will get here. Perhaps I will just stop by the Vitamin Shoppe and pick up a jar so I will have it for my wash on Monday.
When I rinsed I didn't retain the definition so I didn't take any pictures. Still saving that for my last wash of the month. I should have all of my clays and the Soul Magic gel by then.