Well-Known Member
My hair doesn't define well so I'm not a good reviewer. I've use them interchangeably because they soften my hair and that's about it. I don't end up with any more definition of one versus the other. What I can say about the Carmeltini is that it is ph balanced and I can sleep in it. It's not as runny Saturday the clct. I couldn't sleep in the clct.Thank you ever so much, @faithVA.
I think before I attempt this next MHM round, I might get my hair flat ironed so the stylist can examine my ends.
I am so glad for your knowledge base about all of this! Thank you. I can, for example, ask you this:
How does the TerraVeda Carmel-tini compare to the Cherry Lola Caramel treatment, effect-on-hair-wise? Do they accomplish COMPLETELY different things?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. How is your hair faring?
Give the Carmeltini a shot. It won't hurt anything. You might love it and it's easier than mixing all of those ingredients.
My hair is doing great well. It likes the simple method of just mud and gel. Who knew? I'm getting ready to switch back to shampoo and curling creams for the winter. I will come back to mhm in the spring when I hope to have more length and wear my hair out.