Well-Known Member
So, somehow, I have been able to make Sunday's wng last alllllllll week! My hair has shrunk just a little bit but it's been so humid & rainy here that I think that helped a lot. I did refresh with my new gel dilution on Wednesday and this morning, sprayed and banded before bed & my customary plastic cap under my bonnet. My curl definition is still there on 90% of my head, the looser coils on top are almost completely stretched out. Tomorrow is an early wash day. I'm debating using the Crece Pelo again and applying the clay on top of that again..... I need to double check whether it is a protein dc or if I should just skip conditioner.
Considering how much I was hating the Tresemme, it's amusing me that now I'm all..... "hmmm, conditioner again?"
Considering how much I was hating the Tresemme, it's amusing me that now I'm all..... "hmmm, conditioner again?"