Met a "Nikkos' Cousin" yesterday story inside

Carrie A

Well-Known Member
She was so nice y'all. She has her back turned at first. :sekret:In LHCF fashion I was inspecting her hair which looked healthy from root to tip and quite familiar..............
:detective:I asked her a question and when she turned around. I knew it :clapping:.
I said "Oh I know U! :grin:" But then suddenly I blanked on her name so I was just standing there with a cheezy facial expression:eyebrows2. Finally I said "from LHCF right"? 'Cause I know she was like who the heck is this random chick :nuts: . It was Sylver2 whose hair I have admired since I joined.

We had a good laugh about the forum and how much stuff we buy from recommendations. In fact I was there buying some lipstick rec'd in the makeup forum.

She doesn't come this way to often anymore but just wanted to say :wave:
Her hair is gorgeous!
i;ve loved her hair since day one!! her and bubblinbrownsuga were my first inspirations.
My hair isnt banging yet but when it is, I sure hope someone recognizes me the way you saw her. That's amazing!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF :)
:lol: that's funny, now i see that you blanked out on that name when u kept saying I know u like 3 times..haha.
Carrie is gorgeous yall!! :yep: It was so nice to meet you and chat with you.
empressri cute...Glad to you shared that awesome experience. I met empressri in the mall over the summer and I was ''hairstruck'' lol...You woulda' thought I had seen a movie star or something, lol....and to top it off she is the sweetest person you could ever meet...HEY GIRL...*WAVING*.....But seriously it is so nice to see these glorious heads of hair in person!!!!! and btw Carrie A, UR HAIR IS GORGEOUS AS WELL!!!!!
I met @Diva_Esq at Taaliah Wajid's event here in Chicago yesterday. beautiful and so nice!! Banging Twistout too

It was sooooooooooooo good meeting you at the Chicago meet up!! :) When you said my screen name, it threw me at first!! I don't know why though...I LIVE on this forum!! :lachen:Thanks so much for stopping by the booth to introduce yourself!!

YAY! I have had my 1st sighting!!! :yay:
awwwww I love reading about Niko's sightings/meetings!! I hope to be able to do the same!! GA Peaches where ya'll at??!!
That was awesome, how was everyone's hair? Was it out, in a bun, etc? Did you rushed out that day without doing anything special etc. You ladies have real beautiful hair!
:lol: that's funny, now i see that you blanked out on that name when u kept saying I know u like 3 times..haha.
Carrie is gorgeous yall!! :yep: It was so nice to meet you and chat with you.


Oh goodness :lachen: That's hilarious I had no idea I repeated myself. I was in shock that I blanked your name. My brain was like a stalled car. In my head I was saying, "Hot darn how am I having a brain malfunction now. Come on speech centers come on. U know this..."
I met a Niko's cousin...turned out to be my supervisor's wife lol. I never asked the infamous question, but I knew she was when I saw her location on here was the same hell hole as mine, and after I BC'ed she referred to it as a BC and NO ONE outside of hair boards uses that term. She doesn't post anymore (thelauryndoll) but we are good friends :)
I met a Niko's cousin...turned out to be my supervisor's wife lol. I never asked the infamous question, but I knew she was when I saw her location on here was the same hell hole as mine, and after I BC'ed she referred to it as a BC and NO ONE outside of hair boards uses that term. She doesn't post anymore (thelauryndoll) but we are good friends :)

where have you been?!?!?!? Miss AJ
where have you been?!?!?!? @Miss AJ

Now HOW did I know ur only contribution to this thread was callin me out for being MIA :lachen: I've been doin more lurking than posting, here anyway, I cant even remember the last time I logged into BHM. Deployed right now, separating in May, taking my terminal leave in April, gonna hopefully start cosmetology school when I get out :grin:
Cool story... I would be in awe if I saw Sylver2... :spinning:... Always looking at her folder for stretching tips and inspiration :yep:
Now HOW did I know ur only contribution to this thread was callin me out for being MIA :lachen: I've been doin more lurking than posting, here anyway, I cant even remember the last time I logged into BHM. Deployed right now, separating in May, taking my terminal leave in April, gonna hopefully start cosmetology school when I get out :grin:

Miss AJ you should have already known lmao

i dont even remember my bhm log in any more and the only reason i came out of lurk mode was cause my chin started to type after my jaw fell when i saw a post from you :lol:

i'm in india right now. got 6 more mos before i'm home again. and let me tell you, i darn near feel like i'm back in the military out here. i'm in the butt hole of india!!! :lachen:
Cool story... I would be in awe if I saw Sylver2... :spinning:... Always looking at her folder for stretching tips and inspiration :yep:

Yeah it would be great to see her as a feature of the month this year.
She's an inspiration to many members.:yep: