Message to Singles


Well-Known Member
I though I would share an uplifting tale of singleness and waiting on the Lord. I have a third grade teacher who knows my mom professionally and she sent this message to me. I think she was about the age I am now when she taught me (30ish). She told me to be strong in the Lord and being single. Her personal testomony was this. She had been single for along time (I'm guessing she was close to mid thirties by then) and finally gave up hope of ever being married. She decided to praise God anyhow and commit to him. She said that one day a choir visited her church and one of the men in the choir was interested in her. She said they dated for a few months when he came to her and told that the Lord had told him to buy a house for her in her name. He told her that the Lord said she would be his wife. She promtly broke up with him. 6 months later she did marry him and a year later she had twin boys. This story reminds me that our time isn't Gods time. And when its God's time, it doesn't take long for the blessings to come. :)
dicapr said:
I though I would share an uplifting tale of singleness and waiting on the Lord. I have a third grade teacher who knows my mom professionally and she sent this message to me. I think she was about the age I am now when she taught me (30ish). She told me to be strong in the Lord and being single. Her personal testomony was this. She had been single for along time (I'm guessing she was close to mid thirties by then) and finally gave up hope of ever being married. She decided to praise God anyhow and commit to him. She said that one day a choir visited her church and one of the men in the choir was interested in her. She said they dated for a few months when he came to her and told that the Lord had told him to buy a house for her in her name.

He told her that the Lord said she would be his wife.
She promtly broke up with him.

6 months later she did marry him and a year later she had twin boys. This story reminds me that our time isn't Gods time. And when its God's time, it doesn't take long for the blessings to come. :)
:lol: Some things will scare a woman....

This story is a true blessing. Thanks for sharing it. ;)
Thanks for sharing and so true. I decided that if God could give me house, car, health, job etc. that He could get me a good man. I am fully confident that God is able.
Thank-you ! This is a real blessing to me for I have had people try to make me feel bad about being single.( I do not) Or try to pair me off with someone who is not for me because they said God told them the person was (God told me otherwise and let the guy know too). I believe if it is his will God will send me the love of my life when the time is right and when he is finished working with me and I am ready for marriage.