Message about left in my album! Please Read!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

Someone anonymous just left this message in my album, and I thought that I should share with you all! I knew that bbd himself wasn't selling on this site, however, I did believe they were authentic especially after getting my initial order and the Stretch seemed the same as all the other jars I've owned and the company states to be located in the same state/city as the BBD Company. I honestly did not follow up with the official BBD Company at first because of what happened with Irby's beauty supply when they were selling the products at discount. The message reads:

Be careful using products from apparently the people from has no idea who this guy is. the products from bidbadhair are fake...check out or call them at 734-481-1290
I love your album and you have beautiful...........good luck

Girl be careful, i ordered from 10 days ago and i still didn't get my products. The number is a cell phone and no one is responding and returning while searching i saw i call them and they told me that the guy from bbdhair is selling fake products....find out for yourself call them at 734-481-1290......good luck

Lately I've been getting these phone calls from a 734 area code on my cell (the same as the and but I do not answer unknowed numbers, especially out of state and ones that constantly call without leaving messages. They have yet to leave a message and have called countless I'm linking it to this company!

If the products are bogus, then I sincerely apologize for giving out this information. You ladies know I would never intentionally misguide any of you. I did not have a problem receiving any of my orders, but ladies who have not received theirs, I would call the company and inquire with them as to the status or validity of the products or even cancel if possible until this has been cleared up or confirmed. Now I'm guessing the products are either (A) bogus, or (B) genuine, but possibly stolen??? or (C) simply purchased wholesale and resold at discount, authorized or unauthorized.

Lesson learned, no matter how good a deal may be, do your homework :-( I'll let you know if I find out any further information.


ETAA: My conclusion....

I really don't think these products are "fake" (I've been analyzing and comparing packaging, product smell, scent, consistency, even the material of the label and do not see a difference, BUT I can't be too sure) but I DO think that the site may be an unauthorized dealer. If the products are genuine, the seller conducts business well (which I initially thought since I've had two good experiences with them and so have others) and the price is right, then I don't care if you aren't a "BBD stamped authorized dealer"!!!! But if they aren't returning customer phone calls or letting people know the status of their orders, that's just NOT cool and I cannot defend that.
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Oh no, this is not good! I ordered a bunch of stuff last week, I haven't received them yet. NOw I'm a little nervous, I called both numbers but got no answer. I am going to investigate. Thanks for posting this.
Eiano said:
if they sell from jersey, then that's them calling you.

Ooops, 734 area code, not 732!!!

I'm sooo MAD right now!
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I have ordered from bbd before and spoke to him personally that is why when I read the thread I thought it was odd that no one answered the phone and the message on the phone was totally different. This is why I did not order from this site.
I just called and the lady told me that the products are indeed fake, because no BBD products are authorized to be sold online other than on The ebay seller is being investigated and so are the people from The lady said she couldn't go into further detail because of possible legal actions, but she did say that these products that were ordered from have caused some damage to some individuals' hair. If you buy from Badd, you are taking a risk and BBD can't guarantee that these products will work.
Alli77 said:
I just called and the lady told me that the products are indeed fake, because no BBD products are authorized to be sold online other than on The ebay seller is being investigated and so are the people from The lady said she couldn't go into further detail because of possible legal actions, but she did say that these products that were ordered from have caused some damage to some individuals' hair. If you buy from Badd, you are taking a risk and BBD can't guarantee that these products will work.

Goodness!!! Please don't kill me!!!!!!!!!!!!

So far I've only used the Glass and shampoo purchased off the site ONCE, I'm finishing off my jar of Stretch purchased directly from the offical site, so I have not had the opportunity to experience any possible negative effects. I tell you, the Stretch looks and smells EXACTLY the same as what I got from BBD himself.

I'm sooo PI$$ED right now!!!
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Thanks for sharing this! I am going to through out my supply when I get home!!! I haven't had anything bad happen so far, but I am not taking any chances.
Alli77 said:
Yeah I'm worried too, I haven't heard from these people yet and I've left several messages.

You know what? It's funny now, because I sent them an email thanking them for their service and fast delivery and letting them know that I shared the site with a lot of people looking for these products. That's when the phone calls started, and I didn't link the calls to the company until now. They never responded to my email. At least the payment went through PayPal and they don't have access to my debit card.
Faith said:
So are the BBD products being sold on legit?

They WERE but are no longer being sold there because BBD cracked down on them for selling it so cheap.
I didn't order from the site, but I knew they were going to get shut down or be "investigated". Big Badd is notorious for that, he did this with Irby's and they were legit products. The only problem with Irby's was that they weren't selling his products under his pricing regulation. I sometimes wonder about him. Hes trying to create some monopoly LOL. I guess that's a good strategy b/c its working .
so1913 said:
They WERE but are no longer being sold there because BBD cracked down on them for selling it so cheap.

I wish BBD would get a clue and offer some sort of discount etc. THis is exactly why this whole fiasco happened. I mean I taught BADD was legit, they are located in the same area and are selling products (shampoo) that is not selling. He would get so many more customers if he had some sort of incentive to buying his products.
Okay this is crazy cuz i was just 2 mins from purchaing BBD Glass and then I came here first for some reason and read this!!!!! Thank GOODNESS! So if I want the REAL BBD Glass where am I to purchase safely? Cuz these web sites are confussing me???,,, lol which is it?
Alli77 said:
I wish BBD would get a clue and offer some sort of discount etc. THis is exactly why this whole fiasco happened. I mean I taught BADD was legit, they are located in the same area and are selling products (shampoo) that is not selling. He would get so many more customers if he had some sort of incentive to buying his products.

BigBadd does have the shampoo because I have used it and ordered it, but you have to call to ask for it.:confused: It is not on the site

I have used several of the products and places another order today and told the lady what was going on this site and how MAD people are.
Prince3 said:
BigBadd does have the shampoo because I have used it and ordered it, but you have to call to ask for it.:confused: It is not on the site

I have used several of the products and places another order today and told the lady what was going on this site and how MAD people are.

THanks for letting me know. I'll do this as soon as I get some $$ to order the real thing.
Alli77 said:
THanks for letting me know. I'll do this as soon as I get some $$ to order the real thing.

There has not been a product of his that I do not like. I am very sorry that this happen, but at least you are not the person that is having problems with their hair from using the fake product.
Prince3 said:
There has not been a product of his that I do not like. I am very sorry that this happen, but at least you are not the person that is having problems with their hair from using the fake product.

Yeah, I do hope that I have some luck with the real deal, being that I went through so much to get these products.
I kinda wish BBD would sell his products in smaller sizes. There's a few things that I would like to try... but I dont have the money... nor the inclination to buy 16 oz of it...only to find out that it doesn't work. Then I have a $45 paperweight that smells like cake batter :(
pink_flower said:
I didn't order from the site, but I knew they were going to get shut down or be "investigated". Big Badd is notorious for that, he did this with Irby's and they were legit products. The only problem with Irby's was that they weren't selling his products under his pricing regulation. I sometimes wonder about him. Hes trying to create some monopoly LOL. I guess that's a good strategy b/c its working .

Actually his strategy sucks, I understand not wanting to have everyone carry your products but to not sell them anywhere but on 2 sites is ridiculus and then the hair dr. lady is trippin because her stuff cost even more.

Look at jane carter, you can order her stuff online or go to Whole Foods and guess what, WF price is the same as the website and if I don't like the product, I can return it for my $$$ back. You would think for a $45 product you would have a $$$ back garuntee.

Samething with aveda, you can buy it from their stores and there is more than one location. The more I think about BBD the more pi$$ed I am. I have a sample (stretch) that I bought from one of the members here, I am going to use it and that is it. Until BBD business practices change I am not supporting his nonsense. People love to try and get over. Until we as consumers push back they will continue to punk us. I am going right over to aveda to try the damage products.

Rant over...:lol:

My conclusion....

I really don't think these products are "fake", but more so that the site may be an unauthorized dealer. If the products are genuine, and the seller conducts business well (which I initially thought since I've had two good experiences with them) and the price is right, then I don't care! But if they aren't returning customer phone calls or letting people know the status of their orders, that's just not cool and I cannot defend that.
I got thru using the 734-383-8808 number. What sounded like a young guy answered the phone and said they were backed up for awhile. He said all orders except for one went out 2 days ago. He asked me my name and was able to qoute back where I stayed without me telling him so I guess he's on it. I suggest you call now if you have any complaints.
I really hope that this is a case of an unauthoriezed dealer instead of a knock off dealer.....
The phone # 734.481.1290 belongs to the original BBD guy.

The # 734.383.8808 is the # on the site. This # is also registered in Ypsilanti, MI. Phone carrier is Omnipoint Communications.
Nita81 said:
The phone # 734.481.1290 belongs to the original BBD guy.

The # 734.383.8808 is the # on the site. This # is also registered in Ypsilanti, MI. Phone carrier is Omnipoint Communications.

Weird. So what's going on? Are they all the same person?????:confused: