Bug Mention


Well-Known Member
dimopoulos I don't know if this matters since I don't know if it'll be a feature after this weekend's "engine work" (Will it?)

But I got 4 notifications of being mentioned but they didn't display under my mentions. I only found one of them when I happened to look back at some of the threads I'd just been to. I revisited my Mention tab thinking there was just a delay but again, even the one I had just found was not displayed. And I don't know what the other 3 are and would hate to appear like I was ignoring folks.

Anyway, just thought I'd mention it in case there's a glitch that's an easy fix.

In other news, I'm in love with the Search feature again. Thank you, Nikos!
I get notifications of being mentioned, but when I click "mention" I am taken to my profile. Hence, I have no clue what threads I am being mentioned in.