Mentally Dying To Texturize


New Member
... As my hair is growing, I'm keeping it covered and protected through wigs. I did texturize once in October and it barely took because I covered my hair in coconut oil and left it on only for about 5 minutes.

As I'm trying to care for my hair, I'm experiencing foul tangles and almost impossible to part hair in the middle of my head, which is where all my frustration culminates. The back is big and curly (looks 3c when wet and shrinks) and the front is tiny waves. The tiny spirals in the middle of my head are hard to detangle and even rinsing or combing or using a denman is not helping. My hair is still shrinking above the neck when it dries.

Due to this, I'm considering texturizing and calling it a day. I want healthy hair without the chemical commitment, but after reading the heat stretch thread, I know I am not interested in the all straight, all the time requirement if my strands get damaged. I want to be able to wash and go, and enjoy my hair texture.

I've been trying to wait until I am at least APL or BSL before I make the decision, hoping at that time that my hair's length will help make it more manageable, and that the curl patterns develop, but I just dont see it. It really HURTS to do anything else but tie it down in a bun and cover with a wig. Braiding my own hair is becoming a pain. :ohwell:
Nothing to add really...but I feel where you're coming from. I just texlaxed last week and I do not regret it. It was the best decision for ME. I too had a hard time dealing with tangles and knots. I never really saw growth because of breakage.

Do what's best for YOU!!!! :yep:
Nothing to add really...but I feel where you're coming from. I just texlaxed last week and I do not regret it. It was the best decision for ME. I too had a hard time dealing with tangles and knots. I never really saw growth because of breakage.

Do what's best for YOU!!!! :yep:

Thanks... I went looking in your fotki.

I'm scared to tex, simply because the front becomes straight and therefore I look a hawt mess... lmao.
^^I'm such a loser....I havent updated in like a year.

My hair is the same way. I followed a technique from the texlax support board and applied the relaxer to this part of my hair last. I only kept it in for 7-8mins. I can rock a better wash and go. And airdry sooo much better now.
I don't have any advice to offer besides saying that deep conditioning treatments on that area may help. But I do feel your pain. I have 3 different textures in my hair and even after years being natural my hair also still shrinks up above shoulder length.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do with your hair.
My hair was pretty easy to manage when it was shorter. The styles your are wearing may be promoting tangles. Are you bunning your hair while it is wet? This always gives me tangles. If you really want to texturize go for it but I've looked at your pics and I think your hair would come our pretty straight.
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My hair was pretty easy to manage when it was shorter. The styles your are wearing may be promoting tangles. Are you bunning your hair while it is wet? This always gives me tangles. If you really want to texturize go for it but I've looked at your pics and I think your hair would come our pretty straight.

Yea that's what I fear.

I do bun it back when it's wet. Drying it (aside of air drying is a hassle). The best I could air dry my hair was when I was Texlaxed... but I really am trying to wait this out and see if I can get more manageability and handle when I'm longer. :wallbash:
... As my hair is growing, I'm keeping it covered and protected through wigs. I did texturize once in October and it barely took because I covered my hair in coconut oil and left it on only for about 5 minutes.

As I'm trying to care for my hair, I'm experiencing foul tangles and almost impossible to part hair in the middle of my head, which is where all my frustration culminates. The back is big and curly (looks 3c when wet and shrinks) and the front is tiny waves. The tiny spirals in the middle of my head are hard to detangle and even rinsing or combing or using a denman is not helping. My hair is still shrinking above the neck when it dries.

Due to this, I'm considering texturizing and calling it a day. I want healthy hair without the chemical commitment, but after reading the heat stretch thread, I know I am not interested in the all straight, all the time requirement if my strands get damaged. I want to be able to wash and go, and enjoy my hair texture.

I've been trying to wait until I am at least APL or BSL before I make the decision, hoping at that time that my hair's length will help make it more manageable, and that the curl patterns develop, but I just dont see it. It really HURTS to do anything else but tie it down in a bun and cover with a wig. Braiding my own hair is becoming a pain. :ohwell:

I have been there. These are some of the reasons that I "texlaxed" my hair. I loved my curls, but not the pain, the tangles and longs hours that it took to handle my hair. SO I texlaxed and the largest problem I have had since then was a protein overload. (But I fixed that with a good moisture DC)

Alot of people mistake my hair for being natural, but I'm telling you it was soooooo much easier to manage after I texlaxed. I do my touchups, really when I feel like it. (The last time was 3 month stretch). Let me know if you have any other questions, I would be more than happy to help :grin:
I have been there. These are some of the reasons that I "texlaxed" my hair. I loved my curls, but not the pain, the tangles and longs hours that it took to handle my hair. SO I texlaxed and the largest problem I have had since then was a protein overload. (But I fixed that with a good moisture DC)

Alot of people mistake my hair for being natural, but I'm telling you it was soooooo much easier to manage after I texlaxed. I do my touchups, really when I feel like it. (The last time was 3 month stretch). Let me know if you have any other questions, I would be more than happy to help :grin:


Are your curls even in all areas or do the sizes vary?

What did you texlax with?
What was the process?
How long is your hair currently?

I have thick, thick, kinky/curly, and thick some more hair. It's currently anywhere between collarbone and arm pit length and it was only recently that I started being about to really detangle without the headaches of the past. As my hair has gotten longer (it still shrinks to about chin length or so), the weight has helped a lot. And my night time routine has helped cut out breakage and minimize my detangling. If I sleep without putting my hair in a ponytail, or tied back in a scarf, I am asking for a migraine the next day.

Also, what is your overall regimen? The products you use can make a HUGE difference.

I feel your pain chica. Been there, and still doing that with the middle section if I don't "act right" with my hair all the time.