Men.. The Beauty I Just Figured Out..


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
The beauty of a man is that 'He also waited'...

The same way that I 'waited' for 'him', he too chose to 'wait' for me.

He chose not to be 'with' another woman; nor even be tempted. No matter what the situation presented, he chose to stay away and like Joseph, who ran from Potipher's wife, he just said 'No.' He didn't sell out.

He didn't sell his soul to the devil; unknowingly.

No matter what the cost, of any potential lost, he chose not to sell out.
He waited, just for me.

The devil uses so many temptations and seemingly innocent reasons to lead our men into bed with a stranger; even those from his past..a deadened relationship not ever meant to last. Or someone 'new' that the enemy drew into his path.

Yet, our prayers of love and protection, enforces his rejection to not be with any of them. He makes no connection or alliance or contract with any other woman, no matter whom she may be.

The Beauty of a man...He waited. He waited. Yes...He waited just for me.

Into his heart, God whispers..."My Son...'Trust Me.' I am here to deliver you and set you free. Everything you need, you will find in Me...your loving Heavenly Father, for it is I, even I who will set you on high and far above the plans of any other....'My Son...Put your Trust in Me, for it is I who owns your Destiny; and no other.'