Men are Babies


New Member
I am wondering what has your DH or SO done to make you believe he is a baby?

So my SO dragged me to two tailgate parties today. He ate at both of them. :lick:
I don't know how much but I know he ate more than he usually does.

When we leave the second tailgate he gets a call from friend asking us to stop by this oyster bar. We stopped by. He ate some raw oysters.

On the way back to my home he starts complaining about his stomach.

Well, he just blew up my bathroom and begged me to sit on the side of the tub to hold his hand because it hurt so bad.

The sad thing...I did for a minute but it got way to bad in there.:nono:
Yeah, you are way better than me b/c I dont go into bathrooms unless people are dying.

He ate it, he can pass it. he'll be ok.
OMG! DH better not ever ask me to sit with him in a stank bathroom.
DH eats way too much sometimes too and then cries about it like a baby the next day.
I must not be very nice, because all he get's from me is an "I told you so".:lachen:
See, this is part of the long list while I will probably be single forever. I keep hearing and seeing this "men are like babies" mess. I wish a ***** would be that babbish around me, because I will be damned.
No offense OP but this is a pathetic story. This makes me glad I'm single because I have two kids and I would never hook up with a 3rd grown one. My two girls aint never asked me to hold their hands when they have stomach aches on the toilet, and you said SO not DH which is even sadder. Girl please, his grown butt wanted to eat like he doesnt have a home then cry when his stomach is stuffed to capacity and to many different foods are swimming around in it having a revolution. You a good one cause not I said the fly and not me said the bee. hmph

I love you for posting this.

Went in a whole nother direction. And yes they are. When it comes to the shoe being on the other foot especially.
I posted it because I thought it was hilarious. As I mentioned, I didn't stay in the bathroom. I laughed at him the whole time.

I don't want people to judge my SO, he is a wonderful man who was behaving like a baby last night but he is fully grown and responsible.
That's really sad...and hilarious at the same time :lol:

But yes, I believe that a lot of them exhibit child-like qualities :look:

IMO, an 'ego' is synonymous to 'mine mine mine! I can do it! Look at meee!! I did it best! And no one can do it better than me, mommy!'

You can 'handle' men the same way you can handle making it seem like he was the one to come up with the his ego won't be hurt and he won't go into tantrum/shut-down mode. It's just like when your 2 yr old wants to pour the juice all by himself...and you hold his hands and YOU pour it....but make it seem like he's pouring it....then it's 'good job Tyler! You did it alll by yourself! You're a big boy! Yay! *clap clap*'

But if YOU just went ahead and poured the juice yourself because you know Tyler can't do it...he's too little...he'll make a mess...Tyler throws a tantrum/pouts/'hates' you. Men do that too. But the consequences are much more dire *sarcasm*. Because his ego is bruised! *ohnoes* And well, clearly this means he was stripped of his manhood...the only thing about him that's worth him living for :yep:

And not just when they're sick....but with making decisions, getting them to do things, etc.

ANNNDDD (slight tangent ahead) a lot of them just want to be taken care the grand scheme of things for the most part. I had a conversation with a group of male friends just yesterday about marriage. We were discussing that latest 'Dating in the Dark' show. The black woman said that she believes it's a woman's job to tend to the house and children. When she said that, I was wondering if she wanted to stop working once she got married then. And I bought this topic up with them (my friends). They were like 'why would she stop working????' they were seriously baffled. So I explained to them that she would be a house wife...and I didn't think she should work also...if she wasn't getting any help with the house work from him. They were like nahhhh.

So wait a minute. You want help to pay the bills...because stuff is expensive and everyone is supposed to work's a rough economy (their words). But you want her to do ALL of the cooking/cleaning/tending to children. Because that makes you feel like a 'man'...and 'superior' and 'hear-me-roar' ?????

Not ALL of them are like this....but a lot are.

I refuse to marry someone with this mentality :yep:

ETA: oh, and I'm not judging your SO. Nothing I wrote really peratins to what your SO did. What he did was hilarious. And a bit understandable. I would want my SO to hold my hair and rub my back while I was throwing up (consequence) after binge-drinking (action that's completely my fault). :look:
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I posted it because I thought it was hilarious. As I mentioned, I didn't stay in the bathroom. I laughed at him the whole time.

I don't want people to judge my SO, he is a wonderful man who was behaving like a baby last night but he is fully grown and responsible.

I am glad you posted this story. It made me laugh, and I know you meant it to be that way. I don't get how people are making it something else and even judging your SO.
Sounds like you have the same solution you'd use for a child. Here:

You: "Really? OMG, I think you have food poisoning! I'm going to take you to the hospital to get your stomach pumped!"

"Stomach Pumped?!"

"I don't know! I just talked to my friend who's husband got it, and they kept him there for two days! All these shots and running an IV!"

" What?!"

"Get in the car, let's go!"

"Baby, baby, it's ok... I think I go to the bathroom it'll be all right."

"I don't know.... maybe we should call the doctor..."

"Nah, I'm all right..."

Nothing like some public humiliation to make them man up.

But really my dh is not a baby when he is sick but he does other childish things to annoy the hell out of me.
MAAAAANNNN i swear y'all,

for a period of time my boyfriend was working out up to three times a day most days, without drinking enough water. So, we go to a club one night, & he starts drinking alcohol after exercising and not drinking enough water.

NEEDLESS TO SAY, he ends up passing out due to dehydration in the damb club. Luckily I had JUST taken a cpr/first aid class so i knew what to do. But I was the only one helping him...everyone else stood around like "uhh what do I do"

Craziest night. ever. So now I always hound him about drinking water and he looks at me funny. NEGRO YOU PASSED OUT!
Ohh I've seen this before. My DH is sometimes a baby, but it depends on whats going on. When he's sick-sick and he's calling my name repeatedly, I make him some tea. He wants/likes for me to give him medicine sometimes. Other times its 'I don't need that'. I always resort to the beloved castor oil on a spoon....either he'll take it or man up. I don't know about holding his hand in the bathroom though.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: My SO is the same! He is on the bed right now asking me to calling me over to rub his stomach:drunk:

I would be more sympathies but I sat in the car coming back from his parents house and watching him eat a spicy chicken, a big double burger, large fries and large drink from checkers this afternoon :rolleyes:
Too funny - yes, men are total babies. But that's a wonderful sign when you can be vulnerable with your partner (him with you, that is).
OP, that is funny!! And yes, some of the manliest men can become big babies when they aren't feeling well.

Sounds like you have the same solution you'd use for a child. Here:

You: "Really? OMG, I think you have food poisoning! I'm going to take you to the hospital to get your stomach pumped!"

"Stomach Pumped?!"

"I don't know! I just talked to my friend who's husband got it, and they kept him there for two days! All these shots and running an IV!"

" What?!"

"Get in the car, let's go!"

"Baby, baby, it's ok... I think I go to the bathroom it'll be all right."

"I don't know.... maybe we should call the doctor..."

"Nah, I'm all right..."

Nothing like some public humiliation to make them man up.