Melanie and Derwin - is that what a relationship is supposed to be like?


November 2020 --> 14 years natural!!!
By now you're probably tired of all the Melanie and Derwin threads, but bare with me please. I've been thinking about this topic for three days now and I just had to start a thread. After watching the first two episodes of season 4, it got me thinking: is this what a relationship is supposed to look like? Is this life? I don't know if Melanie and Derwin go through this much drama because Derwin is a public figure, but I doubt that's the reason, because I've been in a relationship with that much drama and I called it quits, it didn't even last a year. But those two have been at it for YEARS. There has never been an episode where they are just chillin', hanging out, having fun, NEVER! It's always drama drama drama, from him calling her a slut once, to not spending Christmas with her because her family doesn't like him to the whole Trey Wiggs (sp?) thing just to name a few incidents.

Ladies, would you have married Derwin if you were Melanie? Have you ever been in a relationship with that much drama, what happened?
Hell no, this isn't what a relationship is supposed to be like. Melanie and Derwin are highly dysfunctional. :nono:

I said in another thread that while I believe they really do love each other, I'm not convinced that they're the best for each other, especially now with all this baby drama. You're absolutely right, to me it seems like the best interactions they've had with each other was when they weren't together!

And no, I wouldn't marry a guy who JUST had a baby with another woman.
I don't do drama.:nono: And there is no way I would have married Derwin at that time. His son was born on his wedding day. Naw, Derwin would have had a lot of work to do to prove that if I were to come back to him we would have a stable steady relationship.
I don't do drama.:nono: And there is no way I would have married Derwin at that time. His son was born on his wedding day. Naw, Derwin would have had a lot of work to do to prove that if I were to come back to him we would have a stable steady relationship.

Seriously! Why would you ever want your wedding anniversary to be the same day as your husband's OOW child's birthday?
It's a tv show and the writers have to keep the drama going for ratings. With that said, there are some flaws in their relationship and a lot of it stems from the fact that both of them are immature.
It's a tv show and the writers have to keep the drama going for ratings. With that said, there are some flaws in their relationship and a lot of it stems from the fact that both of them are immature.

I agree...especially with the bolded. But if I were to talk a "real life look" at the situation, everything with them just seemed so rushed. It kind of came off that all they had/have were all those years. She gave up so much to be with him that is was like marriage..why not. He in turn wants to do "the right thing"...make her my wife..why not. I am sure they love each other dearly, but there is an air of immaturity and delusion there.

No one spent time working on themselves and in turn working together to ensure they rebuilt their broken foundation for a strong, solid, lasting relationship. When you decide to "double back" shouldn't have to deal with the same issues that caused you to end in the first place. Conversely, you should give time to let certain things settle/clear before embarking on the the end of the day: no one really "cleaned house".

No way is that what a relationship is supposed to be like. She should have left him a loooong time ago. Waaay too much drama. But I have to root for Melanie and Derwin as a couple or else there will be no more show to watch!

Sometimes you have to love a person enough to let them go.

No real life couple could survive all of their drama.

Let's see...her turning against her family to be with him. Him supporting her in Med school and then taking it back. Him cheating on her and lying about it when confronted and her overhearing him talking about it with someone who doesn't care for her.

Both of them being with and having relations with others in the meantime.

Him getting yet another woman pregnant and sticking by that woman (well he had no choice) The baby being born on your wedding day. Naming the baby Jr.

Not getting a DNA and then when she does going off on her now that the truth is out she can't even mention the babymama's name or the baby. That gives the babymama a 1 up on you.

NO way would a relationship like this last IRL and if they did try to hang on it would be full of drama and misery every day .

Naw, time to say I love you but it's best for us to part.

At this point this show doesn't even make sense and as of now I'm getting a little tired of it. If it keeps up like this it'll only be around for 1 more season and there won't be a write-in to save it.
That's not what a real relationship is supposed to be like. That's what a good drama-filled TV relationship is supposed to be. :lol: Man, Derwin got a baby by another woman:whyme: That's a negative, yo.
Nope! But if Melanie had married Derwin before they moved to San Diego then sooooo much of this would have been avoided IMO.
I agree...especially with the bolded. But if I were to talk a "real life look" at the situation, everything with them just seemed so rushed. It kind of came off that all they had/have were all those years. She gave up so much to be with him that is was like marriage..why not. He in turn wants to do "the right thing"...make her my wife..why not. I am sure they love each other dearly, but there is an air of immaturity and delusion there.

No one spent time working on themselves and in turn working together to ensure they rebuilt their broken foundation for a strong, solid, lasting relationship. When you decide to "double back" shouldn't have to deal with the same issues that caused you to end in the first place. Conversely, you should give time to let certain things settle/clear before embarking on the the end of the day: no one really "cleaned house".


She gave up and is still giving up things for him:nono:

And heck no I would never deal with this crap. Can you all just imagine one of us posting a thread about us and our SO going through one of the problems Mel and Derwin went through? It would be on and popping up in this piece.

So that being said, it makes for a good drama filled show that gives high blood pressure from yelling at the TV! Just the way I like my messy shows:yep:
I remember a radio station interviewing Melanie (Tia Mowry) about the show when it first came out and she stated she sat down and interacted with actual football wives/girlfriends etc. of how it is being with an athlete. I think she stated some of the drama that is written was derived from the women.
No, life shouldn't be so difficult.

I had a convo the other day and I told a friend "Love isn't enough, it is necessary but not enough."

I compare it to a cake recipe, everything no matter how big or small has its place. We can say that the love in a rlp is like flour in a cake. You don't have flour you can't make the cake but that isn't enough.

I have a friend who is in a drama full rlp. Her so has kids that are the same age, he doesn't work, they were engaged but now their not... on and on and on... all she says is that she loves him. I tell her that isn't enough.