Megatek gives MEGA headaches?!


New Member
Ok, I'm new to my haircare journey but I'm a nut for knowledge and I'm loving this board. Because of this, I've read just about everything here in the last month or so and I've tried many of the tips listed here. I've enjoyed growth, moisture and an increase in the strength of my hair.

When I read about Sade7's mn, cortisone, cayenne pepper mix, I was all over it and mixed myself up some. I enjoyed using it but then I found that megatek pic thread. OMG, I had to have it!! Well... now I have megatek, as well as the surge-like avocado mist (the one with the keratin). I mixed it together and put it in an applicator bottle for easier application. I get ear splitting, out of this world headaches!! The only thing I can do to ease the pain is take pain killers, it's horrible. So, is that it then? No megatek for me? :cry: Anyone else had a similar experience? Or a way to stop it, perhaps? :so very hopeful: :)
WOAH. I used mine for the first time today too and had a minor headache. I was JUST about to ask this. So I'll wait for a response also!
Yep, I use to get very bad headaches from it (even though I get migraines from time to time this was extreme and often) and I stopped using it and headaches stopped also.
Whoa! I've gotten mild headaches that fade in 30 mintues or so - but never major ones. I would suggest that you use less - a LOT less. If you are using more than a tablespoon or two at a time, you are using WAY too much.
I only get them when I first start using it - after a use or two, they go away - unless I use a LOT more than I normally do.
I think it's from blood rushing to the head - I've found that a good head massage will make them subside too.

I'd use less, and see what happens. If they continue though - speeding up your hair growth isn't worth pain like that. :nono:

I assume that the main reason that a lot of growth aids work is because they, in one way or another, stimulate the follicles and the blood vessels that nourish them to make them work faster/better. So, a short lived, mild headache makes sense to me - stuff is going on up there.

Severe, ear-splitting, sinus/migraine like pain, that require painkillers to deal with on the other hand - no. That's far more severe than I would be willing to deal with, period - and the intensity would make me concerned that something else was going on. :nono:

Obviously, I'm not a doctor, don't have any medical education, and I'm just saying what I'm comfortable with. Other people have different comfort levels, and when it comes down to it, you have to decide for yourself, ya know? :yep:
Whoa! I've gotten mild headaches that fade in 30 mintues or so - but never major ones. I would suggest that you use less - a LOT less. If you are using more than a tablespoon or two at a time, you are using WAY too much.
I only get them when I first start using it - after a use or two, they go away - unless I use a LOT more than I normally do.
I think it's from blood rushing to the head - I've found that a good head massage will make them subside too.

I'd use less, and see what happens. If they continue though - speeding up your hair growth isn't worth pain like that. :nono:

ITA- I tried less and I still had the same thing happen. This didn't happen overnight w/ the head pain. I used it from July 31 2008- Sept 2008 not sure of the cut off date. It happen towards the beginning of September and I stopped for a few days and the pain went away. I tried it again thinking maybe it wasn't the MT b/c I was getting good results and nope it came right back. I guess it just isn't for me. Totally not worth the pain for growth. Your right!
ITA- I tried less and I still had the same thing happen. This didn't happen overnight w/ the head pain. I used it from July 31 2008- Sept 2008 not sure of the cut off date. It happen towards the beginning of September and I stopped for a few days and the pain went away. I tried it again thinking maybe it wasn't the MT b/c I was getting good results and nope it came right back. I guess it just isn't for me. Totally not worth the pain for growth. Your right!

Yeah - if I got a headache every time I used it - there is no way! :lol: It's only when I first start - I take lil breaks :look: for a week or two sometimes. :lachen: And then I get reinspired, and start being consistent again, and I'll get a mild headache the first day, usually, rarely the second, and then I'm fine.
Thank you all for your responses. JustKiya, I believe you're spot on about the pain coming from blood rush. If I bend over and then stand up, I can actually feel my scalp throbbing. Also, if I massage my head, just as you said, the pain does subside, but only temporarily.

I think I will try as you suggest and use a smaller amount. Mix with some oil, perhaps. My total order (mega-tek and mist) was nearly $50 so I'd like to make this work, if at all possible. Also, I think someone mentioned the headachey/tingling/itchies is a sure sign of increased growth. I'm a scientist at heart so you KNOW I wanna see! ha ha

I'll let you all know if I'm able to take this pain down to something milder with a MT mix.

BTW, the mn/cortisone/cayenne mix brought obvious growth in the couple of weeks that I used it. I'm a natural and hadn't measured, but I did take a pic stretching one area.
Yeah - if I got a headache every time I used it - there is no way! :lol: It's only when I first start - I take lil breaks :look: for a week or two sometimes. :lachen: And then I get reinspired, and start being consistent again, and I'll get a mild headache the first day, usually, rarely the second, and then I'm fine.

Girl, I was truly upset about this headache business. It was working like crazy and then all good things came to an end :lachen: It was too much though for me to deal with. I was using it everyday 1-2x a day :lachen:which might have caused it (maybe). Then again I always used the same amount (a dab) and it wasn't effecting me in the beginning so idk. :sad: Hopefully I'll get some good progress using a superfood supplement:yay: that I just started on today. If I don't I'm going to :cry:
i never got a headache.:perplexed

i didn't get wild growth either but that's another story.....:look:
Wow...that may explain the headaches that I have been getting lately. I did not connect it to using Megatek but it maybe the problem. However mines is heavily diluted in coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil and other oils I threw in the mix. I am really surprise that this could be the cause of my recent head pain.
Wow!!! Never get headaches but I don't use it as a scalp treatment. I use it as a leave-in. That works for me. I hope you find a way to use MT without the headaches. :)
never had headaches from the tek. but i've suffered from chronic headaches since childhood, so wouldn't know the difference. sorry this is happening to you!
I've never had headaches from using Megatek. Having headaches does not sound good at all. Anything that would give me headaches, I would have to discontinue using.

Hopefully using it sparingly will help with the headaches.
Yeah.... JustKiya makes sense but then again it scared me.....I mean think about it, a new product and you're getting headaches? IDK I'll try it for about 2 weeks. If I still get head aches then I'm not using it anymore.
I've never had headaches from using Megatek. Having headaches does not sound good at all. Anything that would give me headaches, I would have to discontinue using.

Hopefully using it sparingly will help with the headaches.
What she said. I apply this to my scalp daily straight from the bottle and I haven't had any problems. Only the itchies.
Thought i was the only one!!! I didn't see anyone else post about it BUT have headaches that even Excedrin Migraine can't break through. .................But am I shallow to really love the growth?? I mean I am working with almost 2 inches more.
Thought i was the only one!!! I didn't see anyone else post about it BUT have headaches that even Excedrin Migraine can't break through. .................But am I shallow to really love the growth?? I mean I am working with almost 2 inches more.

*sigh* I would feel about the same way. I mean, I haven't even seen any growth from mt (just started using it Monday) but I've been suffering headaches all week long just to see the outcome. I don't have any encouraging words. Just wanted to say I understand.

I'll create a diluted mix tonight and see if that helps. It would be great to get to mild headaches like SundaiMorn. I would flatout dance a jig if I could get to no headaches with the product.
Well I bought the Megatek rebuilder in September. The first time I used it I had a headache but did not think much of it, then each time I was using it headache, I so disappointed that Megatek is not for me. I stopped using it straight away.
To my opinion Beauty has its limit.
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Wow! I'm surprised this was happening to so many ladies - it makes sense, but it's interesting that it hasn't been mentioned before. :scratchch
Itching, I've heard. Headaches, I've heard. *thinks* I think one lady had a rash? Shedding, of course. I've heard people say their heads were throbbing, but I'm lumping that in with headaches.
Yeah, mine was a mixture of head throbbing and minor headache. More throbbing than anything. No itching though. I'm just scared this is gonna mess with my health.