Meeting In-Laws/Potential In-Laws On Major Holidays


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Meeting In-Laws/Potential In-Laws For The First Time On Major Holidays

Did anyone meet their in-laws or at the time potential future in-laws on a major holiday? I'm talking Fourth of July, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year's. Hell Halloween too. Maybe even a birthday or anniversary or something like that? Did all turn out well?
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I met my in laws for the first time on Easter. I was nervous as heck, but they loved me and we had a lot of fun that day.
Thanksgiving. I actually preferred it that way, so I could spread conversation around and not be stuck talking to 1-2 people. It allowed me to effectively avoid those I wasn't getting a good vibe from, and talk more frequently to those I immediately clicked with.
Yes, met my future in-laws on the 4th of July 3 years ago. It was a bit awkward for me because I didn't know that I was going to be meeting them that day. It all turned out fine though.
I know this isn't considered a holiday but I met my potential in-laws and the entire family at a wedding. My SO was in the wedding and really wanted me to go so I went. It was overwhelming at first because he has a big family but turned out to be ok.
I met my in-laws, his aunts uncles, cousins, grandmother, EVERYONE during Thanksgiving holiday. It was fun. Everyone was very welcoming and made me feel right at home.
I wish it was a holiday, but I met my in-laws on the worst day possible - the night hubby's dad died in the hospital. I had already met his mom and dad once or twice previously but that was the first time I met EVERYONE including grandparents, uncles, cousins, great aunts, sister, brother, etc. It was so overwhelming and it was hard to know how to act considering it wasn't exactly a joyous occasion.